Instagram Statistics For 2023: Interesting Facts And Figures

Instagram has become the fastest-growing social media platform among users because of its evolving and changing features, such as message disappearing, reels, and a creator desk for its users. The app is preferred among those who like being socially active in today’s world.

The platform increased its economic base by accumulating users and generating high income by persuading them to share reels, videos, and posts and earn from the forum by becoming a social media influencer.

In this article, we will learn some interesting Instagram statistics and facts that you must know about the platform and its rapidly growing follower base. These statistics are important in looking to initiate their marketing influence on Instagram.

Instagram Statistics Facts And Figures

Top Instagram Statistics

Instagram is recognized as the fifth fastest-growing social media platform among users, which accounts for around 2.5 billion monthly active users. Here are some other top statistics about Instagram that you must look into for more insights.

Instagram active users
  • Instagram has around 2.35 billion users globally.
  • Instagram users account for 90% of users that access the platform to follow an enterprise for updates and information.
  • Instagram is preferred by social media marketers, who account for 44% of users promoting their products and services via Instagram stories.
  • Instagram’s target audiences are GenZ users accounting for 70% of users below 34 years of age.
  • Instagram users between 25-34 years of age account for 31.2%, making it the largest section of the user base on the platform.
  • Instagram stories account for 500 million daily active users on the platform.
  • Instagram has the maximum number of users other than the United States, accounting for 87%.

Instagram User Statistics:

Instagram undoubtedly has a strong user base on the platform, which accounts for 49.3% female users if we distinguish based on gender. This percentage of female users accounts for around 670 million females that access the forum.

Instagram User Statistics
  • Instagram users mainly come from 18-24 years and 25-34 years, accounting for 31% and 31.2%, which provides a base for potential market prospects.
  • Instagram accounts for about 230.25 million Indian users, but this number is low compared to the size of the country has 1.4 billion population.
  • Instagram has around 170 million users that access the platform, and it gained a huge number of U.S users between 2019 and 2021, increasing from 54 million users.
  • 31.4% of Instagrammers in the United States are between 25-34 years of age.
  • The platform has 57.9% female users in the U.S., which is significantly higher than in other countries.
  • Google searches make the platform the ninth most searched platform on the search engine, followed by other media platforms like YouTube, Google, and “weather forecast.”
  • Instagram accounts for the fourth most-accessed platform among users accounting for 1.386 billion people.
  • There 0.1% of Instagram users use another social media platform other than Instagram, meaning 99.9% of users have an account on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.
  • Instagram users use the platform for around 145 minutes daily, which is considerably high.
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Instagram Usage Statistics:

Instagram Usage Statistics

Instagram users use that platform for around 11.7 hours monthly, whereas U.S. adults access the forum for approximately 30.1 minutes daily. It would be best to look into some Instagram usage statistics for better insight.

  • Instagram followers account for an annual uplift from 5.79% from 2021 to 2022.
  • Instagram is speculated to have less user increase in 2023 with an average of 5.47%.
  • You must know that the monthly active user base can estimate an integration of the EU and North America if we compare the country size.
  • Instagram is expected to have 95 million robotic users, which accounts for around $1.3 billion in money loss to entrepreneurs.
  • Instagram has 996 million organic users through its advertisements on stories.
  • Instagram most updated business posts are around 17 stories monthly.
  • Instagram has around 758.5 million reel ad-influencing users on the platform, which will significantly see more rise because of a higher response to the medium.
  • Users access Instagram reels to resend them, accounting for 1 billion shares through messages.
  • Instagram platform accounts for 15 Indian songs out of the top 20 songs that the users on the forum use most.
  • Reels are speculated to accumulate most of the user time, accounting for 30% of users’ time spent on the platform.

Instagram Business Statistics:

Instagram is preferred by 90% of users that access the platform to follow a social media marketer or an enterprise, whereas 81% of users reported that they use the platform to study product launches and check services provided by brands.

  • 83% of Instagrammers prefer the platform to get updates on new products and services offered by brands.
  • Instagram users are more inclined to sponsored ads on the stories as they favor those products on Instagram.
  • Two-thirds of users believe Instagram allows brand engagement among platform users.
  • Instagrammers with an average engagement rate of 5.6% generate more interaction on their account than other influencers.
  • 29% of business entrepreneurs believe that image ad posting is more effective among users than other mediums.
  • Instagram is the top social media platform among users who access the forum to interact with brands and companies.
  • An Instagram marketer account increases its follower base, accounting for 0.98% of users monthly on the platform.
  • Instagram has a median interaction rate among users, which accounts for 0.54%.

Instagram Engagement Rate Statistics:

Instagram receives around 7.51% of its user data traffic via click-through websites on the search engine to the platform. Moreover, Instagram is accessed by 35% of users that might use the platform to purchase products in 2023.

Instagram Engagement Rate Statistics
  • An average Instagram user receives around 15k likes per share on any post on the forum and 285 comments on the uploads.
  • Posting one photo on the platform provides users more likes, accounting for 25.77% higher likes than posting a video on the platform.
  • An average Instagram share or upload includes 10.7 hashtags usage on the post to reach more audiences.
  • Instagram accounts for around 52.35% of users with followers below 1000 on the platform.
  • The Instagram account of Cristiano Ronaldo had the highest number of followers in 2021, accounting for 344 million followers.
  • Out of all the hashtags, #Love was the most preferred in 2020, followed by photography, Instagood, and fashion.
  • #Tbt is considered to be the most interactive hashtag in 2020 on the platform.
  • Instagram uploads with a location on them attract more users to the post accounting for 79%.
  • The places most used on the platform include Los Angeles and California alongside New York.
  • Instagram has a “Save” option on the platform, which is necessary to accumulate a high engagement rate.

Instagram Revenue Statistics:

Instagram saw a spontaneous growth in its revenue in 2021 and 2022, and the reason behind this is the COVID-19 pandemic allowed more users to create an account and generate some income. However, the platform generated a revenue of $47.6 billion in 2021.

  • Instagram accounts for 44% of Meta’s business enterprise revenue among Meta’s other social media platforms.
  • Instagram Ads revenue is speculated to see a rise of $50.58 billion in 2023 as it was around 17.4 billion in 2020, having an annual growth of 12.1%.
  • An Instagram user allows the Meta company to generate a revenue of about $11.60 per user of the platform.
  • Through advertisements, Instagram saw an increase in its CPM of 17% in the third quarter of 2022.
  • Instagram receives an average of $0.7 to $1 via the ads shared on the platform when users click on the advertisement.
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Frequently Asked Questions:

How well is the engagement rate of Instagram?

Instagram has the highest engagement rate of any other social media platform beating Facebook and Twitter, which speaks for the platform’s credibility among users.

What brand types should approach Instagram for their marketing needs?

Instagram has become the hub for GenZ users to showcase their talent and account for high user criteria. So marketers looking to influence teenagers can prefer the platform to meet their needs.

Does Instagram have more than a billion users?

Instagram achieved the milestone of a billion followers in 2018 and will have more than a billion users in 2023.


Instagram is the most-favored if you want to impact the viewers and allow them to look into your products and services as a business entrepreneur.

Moreover, the platform is becoming more popular than other social media platforms, making it the best for any user to access and gain recognition by using features like reels. 

So this is all we have on Instagram statistics, along with some top facts that make the platform a reliable income source and an influencer base for any user.

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