How to Change Netflix Password?

For some people, Netflix has become an essential aspect of life. Their life is incomplete without Netflix and chill. And they have the right reason to do so. The quality of content that Netflix provides is far-fetched. But recently, Netflix has shown its concern about sharing passwords with many users.

Even your account may cease to operate if you are the account owner and have shared the password with more than 4 users at a time. Have you also given your Netflix password to many people? Then maybe it’s time to change the password. But do you know how to change your Netflix Password? No? Let us explain.

How to Change Netflix Password

This article will tell you how to change your Netflix password on different platforms.

Why Do You Need To Change Your Netflix Password?

Netflix has been working on preventing users from sharing accounts, and the company’s recent crackdown on this practice has received much attention. Therefore, if an unauthorized third person, such as a friend, relative, or ex-partner, obtains access to your account, you should change your password immediately.

Another reason to change the password may be that you are skeptical about your old and easy password, which may get leaked in a data breach.  Or, It’s possible that you need to create a new password after forgetting your old one to reaccess your Netflix account.

The likelihood of having your Netflix account hacked and your personal information, including your watching history, revealed is reduced if you change your password frequently.

You can refer to this guide if you want to change your Netflix password on a desktop or mobile. And after you update your password, your smart TV or streaming stick, for example, will automatically get updated with the new password.

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Below, you’ll find the step-by-step guide on how to change Netflix’s password.

How to Change Your Netflix Password On Desktop?

If you stream Netflix on your desktop, follow the steps below to change your old password. You don’t have to change your password on every device. You need to change the password on any device, which will be updated on all devices.

  • Firstly, head to the official website of Netflix and tap “Sign In” at the top right side of the screen.
Change Your Netflix Password on Desktop
  • Now, select your profile from the list of profiles, and you’ll be taken to the Netflix home page. Please note that if you are the only profile on Netflix, you won’t have to select any profile. Logging in will directly take you to the Netflix homepage.
  • Now, take the mouse cursor to the profile icon at the top right corner of the screen and click on Account.
  • In the account settings, tap on the “Change password” tab under the Membership & Billing section.
How to Change Your Netflix Password on Desktop
  • Type in your current password, then your desired new password. Make sure you enter your new password twice for verification.
  • Check the option labeled “Require all devices to sign in again with a new password”. This setting will log you out of every device you are logged into. So, anyone who may be using your account without your knowledge will have to log in with the new password you just set.
  • After making the necessary changes to your password, be sure to click Save before leaving the Account page.
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How To Change Your Netflix Password On Mobile [Android & iOS]?

Here’s how to change your Netflix password on any mobile device.

  • Launch the Netflix app on your Apple or Android mobile device. Enter your login details, then under “Who’s Watching,” choose your profile.
  • Now, tap on your profile picture, which is present at the top-right corner of the screen, and from the list menu, choose Account. This step is the same on both iOS and Android.  If you are using a tablet or Apple iPad, tap “More” at the bottom of the screen and select “Account” from here. This will take you to your default web browser and open the Netflix website. If you are not logged in, log into the same.
How to Change Your Netflix Password on Android
  • Select “Change password,” then enter the old and new passwords.
  • Select the option to “Require all devices to sign in again with the new password,” as described above. This setting will log you out of every device you are logged into. So, anyone who may be using your account without your knowledge will have to log in with the new password you just set.
How to Change Your Netflix Password on Mobile
  • As soon as you confirm the change by clicking Save, your new password will affect all your devices and Netflix accounts.

How To Change Your Netflix Password If You’ve Forgotten It?

There may be instances where we may forget our passwords for different platforms. Due to a large number of platforms and our accounts on them, we may tend to forget some of them. But don’t worry; here’s how to change your Netflix password if you have forgotten it.

  • Firstly, head to the official website of Netflix and tap “Sign In” at the top right side of the screen.
  • Click or tap the “Need help?” link, which is present below the login option.
How to Change Your Netflix Password if You've Forgotten It
  • Now, you have two options. You can either enter your email or mobile number to recover your account. If you select the email option, you’ll get a mail on your email address guiding you to change your password. On the other hand, if you select your mobile number, you’ll get an SMS receiving the link where you can change your password.
Change Your Netflix Password if You've Forgotten It
  • Follow the message sent to you, and reset your password.
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That’s how easy it is to change your Netflix password. I hope this article was helpful to you. If you have some issues recovering your password, do let us know in the comment section below.

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