How to Fix Ticketmaster Not Working Issue?

The issue of Ticketmaster not working can be pretty annoying for you, especially if you use it regularly to get your tickets against a race of time. Among the various problems faced, the most common is the App not opening or crashing in between and not working properly.

Ticketmaster is an American company based in California solely for ticket sales and distribution. You must have used the App if you enjoy attending live events. The App provides tickets for various theatre events, sports, and concerts. However, like any other App, people have reported that Ticketmaster is not working several times.

This article is for you if you have encountered the same issue while using Ticketmaster. Here, we will look into some of the quick fixes you can try to resolve the error in the App.

How to Fix Ticketmaster Not Working Issue?

The issues that come under the Ticketmaster not working criteria can be App crashes, Login issues, Payment problems, and problems with tickets not being visible on the App.

If any of these occur while you are using the App, you might look for instant solutions. In this section, we have gathered some fixes for the issue that have been tried and tested by us.

You can try any method from the list below, depending on your problem, while using Ticketmaster. Also, if one solution does not work for you, go for the next one to see if that resolves the issue.

1. Check the Server status:

This is the first thing you can do if the Ticketmaster issue occurs while using the App. You need to check if the App servers are down. For this purpose, you can use the DownDetector site.

This is where people report any outages with most of the Apps. If many people face the same issue with Ticketmaster, they might report it on the website.

If the App appears to be down, you cannot do anything but wait until the company resolves the issue from their end. After a while, you can open the App to check if everything works properly for you again.

Check The Server Status

2. Check the Network connection:

Ticketmaster needs a proper and stable internet connection to function properly. If you do not have a strong network, you might face issues while loading the App or browsing for your purchased tickets.

You can check the speed of your network by using the Speedtest site. If the network connection appears unstable, try changing to another network or cellular data. You can also change the WiFi connection to another one.

Check The Network Connection

3. Restart your device:

If the App keeps crashing while you use it, try this option. First, you need to close the App tab on your device. Then, you can go for a quick restart of your device.

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Restart your PC by using the option available for the same. On Android phones, you can long-press the Power button to reveal options. Clicking on the Restart option will Turn Off the phone and turn it On again after a while.

For iOS devices, you can long press the Volume down and the Power button simultaneously to reveal a slider. Use it to turn Off your Phone and turn the device On later.

4. Clear the App Cache:

Whenever you use an App on your device, some temporary data gets stored in it. Sometimes, these files can get corrupted, resulting in the Ticketmaster not working issue.

Corrupted Cache files and cookies can also cause a Login error while you try to get into your account. You can try clearing the cache files on your device in case Login errors or credit card errors occur while using Ticketmaster.

If you are using the browser version of Ticketmaster, follow these steps to clear the Cache data:

  1. Open the browser that you use.
  2. Click on the three dots in the right-hand corner of the page.
  3. Click on the Settings option from the list.
  4. Go to the Privacy and Security settings.
Privacy And Security

5. Click on the ‘Clear Browsing Data’ option.

Clear Browsing Data

6. Select Cookies and Cached images and files options from the list, and click on the ‘Clear Data’ option to clean up the browser cache.

After this, you can close the browser, reopen it, and go to Ticketmaster to see if the problem has been resolved.

If you use the Mobile version of Ticketmaster, only Android phones let you clean up the App cache data. iOS devices do not have this option as of now. To clear the cache on your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the device settings and go to the Apps section.
  2. Search and click on Ticketmaster from the list of Apps.
  3. On the App info page, click on the Clear cache option that can be found at the bottom.

After clearing the cache, you must log in to your account again. Check if the App works properly after that.

5. Adjust the Date and Time settings:

One of the few causes of the Ticketmaster not working is your device’s wrong date and time settings. Sometimes, the time zones and dates can change while you travel to a different place. If this does not sync with the date and time settings of Ticketmaster, the App might not work properly for you.

Date And Time

Ensure that the date and time on your device are correct, according to the time zone where you are in. If you make any changes to the same, refresh the App and open it again to check if it works properly. You can also enable the option to set the date and time automatically on your phone.

Time And Language

6. Update the App:

Using an outdated version of the Ticketmaster App can lead to the Ticketmaster not working issue. Sometimes, even some features might not work properly while using the App. You can install any pending updates available for the App to resolve the error.

You can find the ‘Update’ option if you search for Ticketmaster on the Google Play Store or AppStore, in case any updates are available. Android users also have the option to enable the auto-update feature in the Play Store, so that any future updates for the App get installed automatically.

Auto Update Apps

7. Uninstall and Reinstall the App:

If you have tried the solutions mentioned above and the issue is not resolved, deleting and reinstalling the App is one of the last solutions you can try. Sometimes, certain glitches might lead to the App not showing your purchased tickets, or there can be issues while trying to Log in to your account.

Most of the time, a fresh install of the App can eliminate any other glitches that stop the App from working properly. To delete the App, long-press the App icon in the Apps section until you find the Uninstall option. Click on it to Uninstall the App from your device.

You can go to the Google Play Store or the AppStore and search for the App to install it on your device again.

Uninstall And Reinstall The App

8. Contact Ticketmaster Support:

In case the uninstall and reinstall of the App did not help solve the issue, the last option you can go for is to contact Ticketmaster Customer Support. You can do this online through their official website. On the page, scroll until you find the relevant reason you are trying to find a solution for.

You can enter your Ticketmaster credentials and account details and explain the query in the space provided on their page. After you click on the ‘Submit’ option, you can expect the customer care personnel to contact you in a few days to resolve your issue with Ticketmaster.

Ticketmaster Contact Us

You can also contact them through e-mail, via, by emailing them the details of your problem.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What to do when Ticketmaster Presale codes are not working?

All fan club presale codes are case-sensitive. This is why you need to ensure you are entering the right code. If that does not help, try contacting the fan club for the correct code.

What to do if the Ticketmaster Password reset is not working?

If such a problem occurs, you can check the cache and clear the data there to avoid the problem of the App not working properly due to corrupted cache files. The steps for the same have been mentioned in the section above. Try opening the App and resetting your password after clearing the cache.

How to resolve Ticketmaster not working with VPN enabled?

Ticketmaster has introduced a policy that restricts the site access to IP addresses that are associated with VPNs. This is meant to avoid bot activity and provide all its users with a fair ticket-buying experience. Since the App policy does not allow it to work with VPNs enabled, you will need to disable the VPN on your disable and try using the App.


There can be several reasons behind the Ticketmaster not working issue. Sometimes, the site servers might be under maintenance, whereas sometimes, the problem might be with your device. You might face issues where the App keeps crashing, Login issues, Payment failures, and even your purchased tickets not appearing.

This article must have familiarized you with the common fixes that can be tried to resolve the error. If none of these solutions mentioned in the section above work for you, contacting the App support team is always your next option.

If this article was useful for you in solving the issue with Ticketmaster, kindly let us know which solution worked for you through the comments. Also, you can comment your thoughts regarding anything extra that can be added to this blog so that we can note the same!!

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