How to Know If Someone Deleted Their TikTok Account?

If your friend or a content creator has suddenly disappeared from TikTok whom you liked the most and you are wondering How to Know If Someone Deleted Their TikTok Account, then you need to know the right methods to do that. If you are having such a situation, I can help you with that.

It isn’t a good feeling when you want to connect with a friend or a content creator on TikTok but cannot do that because you can’t find them on the app. Follow any of these methods I’m about to share, and you’ll find what you want.

How To Know If Someone Deleted Their TikTok Account?

There are various reasons people delete their TikTok account. Some may want to focus on their studies, while others may have deleted them for personal reasons. Following the below methods, you’ll find exactly how to find deleted Tiktok account with easy steps.

1. Check Your Conversation History:

tiktok inbox

The first thing you should do when you cannot spot someone’s TikTok account is, check your inbox and see If you have had any previous conversations with that person. If you couldn’t find the person’s account this way, chances are that account owner may have deleted the profile.

In case, you can see their message but are not able to visit their profile, they may have deactivated their account temporarily. People deactivate their TikTok account for various reasons and you have to wait until they reactive the account to get in touch with them.

2. Check Their Recent Activity:

Another way to know If someone has deleted their account on TikTok is by looking at their recent activity. For example, If you know some videos on which that person is tagged, you should check out that video and see If they are still tagged.

The profile is alive and active if they are still tagged in that video. They may have permanently deleted their account if you don’t see their profile in tagged people.

You can also check out the videos on which they have commented earlier. It could be anyone’s video. Just open that video on TikTok and see If the comment is still there. The profile may have gone forever if you don’t see their comments on that video.

3. Find The Account Using Their Username:

find tiktok user

This method is pretty straightforward. If you have been following the person whose account you are investigating, I’m sure you may already know the user name of that profile. Just type down that user name in the search bar on the app and see If you have got the right account from this list.

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If you couldn’t find any account with that user name, the account may have been deleted by the user himself for obvious reasons. There’s nothing much you can do in this case.

4. Check Profile Via Search Engine Like Google:

Even though searching the profile on TikTok gives the best results, you can try searching the profile on the web for your satisfaction. Yes, I’m talking about the search engine’s biggest leader “Google” which has tons of information.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Visit any web browser and type “” and replace the user name with the actual user name.
  • Instead of visiting this URL, you need to click on “Google Search” and hit Enter.
  • Look for the pages with the specific URL and see If they match what you are looking for.

Not just Google, you can try this method with any search engines out there, but Google will provide the most accurate results.

5. Check Your Follower List:

tiktok followers

Another way to find out If a person has deleted their account on TikTok is via your followers list. Still, it would be best to keep in mind that the specific person must have already followed you on TikTok, or else there is no point in following this method.

Launch the TikTok app on your device, check the “Followers” list, and check If you can spot the account. If you have limited followers on TikTok, scroll down until you find the person’s account. If you have many followers, you can use the search bar in the app to find out that account.

If you cannot spot that account, the chances of deleting the account are pretty high.

Pro Tip: If you have an alternate account on TikTok, you can follow the same method I have discussed above to see If you find that account. If you still couldn’t it, it is safe to assume that the profile has been deleted permanently. If you could see the profile from another account, the person may have blocked you.

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6. Ask Them Directly:

Suppose a specific TikTok account owner is already in touch with another social media platform like Instagram.

In that case, you can message about and ask If they have deleted their account on TikTok or if something’s wrong with that account. This will clarify everything you have been looking for.

If the person is your friend in real life, this will make your job much easier. You can ask that person directly what’s happening with their account and why you cannot find out. If they have an account issue, you may be able to help him/ her.

What Does A Deactivated TikTok Account Look Like?

If you want to spot a deactivated TikTok account, here’s what it looks like.

A blank conversation

After deactivating the TikTok account, you’ll notice that the profile picture and the user name of that account will be blank. If you have spotted such a profile while looking for someone on TikTok, you can assume they are no longer active on the app and have deactivated their account.

Deactivating a TikTok is temporary, which I have mentioned earlier above. People can easily reactivate their TikTok account by simply entering their username and password, and after that, they can use this app as usual without any issues.

My Tiktok Account Is Gone, How Can I Recover It?

If your TikTok account has got deleted by mistake, there’s nothing to be worried about as you can recover it within 30 days by contacting the support team. If you have violated the terms and conditions of TikTok and posted some sensitive or illegal content, chances are recovering your TikTok account is extremely slim.

Due to some technical glitches, TikTok may delete your account, and it is very easy to recover that account If you appeal to the support team of TikTok within 30 days of the event, however, you must know the Email address and password of that account. If you have the Email address but forgot the password, you’ll have to click on the “Forgot Password” option from the login menu and proceed with the further steps.

Suppose your TikTok account has been banned for mass reporting due to sensitive or illegal content. In that case, you may not be able to recover your TikTok account because you have broken the rules and regulations of using TikTok.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What does it mean when it says account not found on TikTok?

If you see the “account not found” or similar to that while looking for a particular account on TikTok, the account may have been deleted by that account owner or the person has blocked you.
Apart from that, the error could also appear due to some technical glitches on TikTok. Look for the profile after some time and see If you can view the account.

How do you know if someone is online on TikTok?

If someone is online on TikTok, they may see a green dot on their profile, and that’s a sign of being online. The green dot may still appear after a couple of minutes even If a person is offline and it’ll disappear after a few moments.

Can you see who viewed your TikTok profile?

Yes, checking who viewed your profile on TikTok in the last 30 days is possible, but you’ll have to enable the “Profile view history” feature from the settings. To access this feature, you need to be at least 16 years of age and must have 5000 followers or fewer than that, or else you won’t be able to use this feature because that’s the requirement set by TikTok itself.


Platforms like TikTok is an excellent places to make connections with content creators or at least engage with their unique content If that content creator itself disappears without any announcement, it doesn’t feel right, and that’s why I have shown you various methods on How to Know If Someone Deleted Their TikTok Account in this post.

If you have any queries related to TikTok, let me know in the comments, and I’ll talk to you very soon. Thanks.

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