Youtube Handle: How to Set, Claim or Change Yours?

YouTube, the second largest search engine in the world, introduces new features quite often to improve the user experience, and just a few months back, they launched a new feature called “YouTube Handle”. You are in the right place if you aren’t aware of this or, want more information about this new feature.

In this post, I will discuss this new feature and how you can take advantage of it. Let’s get started.

What Is YouTube Handle?

YouTube handle is a unique short user name that’ll help you find easily on YouTube, and it is slightly different than a channel name and is completely free to use.

Platforms like social media and streaming are changing rapidly and making changes according to users’ benefits. Even though finding channels on YouTube from their channel names isn’t that difficult YouTube has taken a new step to find the right creator on YouTube.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have had the feature of finding people from handles for a long time. It could be why YouTube has followed in its footsteps to make its users happy with this useful feature.

If you are a user on Facebook or Twitter, you may already know how the handles on profiles work, and YouTube handles also work the same way.

For example, If you have a profile on Twitter, it would look like; now, you can create such a handle on YouTube with I hope you may have understood my point with this example here.

Whether you have a normal account on YouTube or a channel, you can create your unique handle on YouTube without any issues. Okay, enough talk about this feature, and let’s see how you can set your handle on YouTube with simple steps.

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How To Set Up And Claim Your YouTube Handle?

Setting a YouTube handle was possible only before 14th November 2022; however, If you haven’t set your unique YouTube handle before that, your handle will be automatically reserved for you according to your Gmail account name.

Here’s what you could have done before to set up and claim your YouTube handle.

  • Visit from any web browser on your PC or mobile.
  • Tap on the “Choose handle” option from the page.
Choose Youtube Handle
  • Click on “Confirm Selection” If you are okay with the reserved handle and you are done.

This was possible when YouTube first released this feature a few months ago; unfortunately, it is impossible now.

In case, you just came to know about the YouTube handle recently and missed the news of the launch of the YouTube handle, there is nothing to be worried about because YouTube may have already assigned your handle name according to your Gmail account.

Let’s look at what you can do after the deadline to set your unique handle on YouTube.

How To Change The YouTube Handle?

To change your YouTube handle, here’s what you need to do:

  • Visit from any web browser.
handle youtube
  • Click on the “Change Handle” option.
  • Now, edit your handle with any unique one you want and click on “Confirm Selection” to complete the process.
confirm handle youtube
  • And that is it.

Now, you have successfully changed your handle on YouTube, and finding you on YouTube has become much easier.

Keep in mind that the maximum number of characters you can have for your YouTube handle is 30 and I would highly recommend you choose a handle under this limit so that people can easily remember it find you.

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If you already have a YouTube channel, you don’t have to worry that it’ll not be erased or deleted after having a unique handle on YouTube because both of them will still work without any issues. Don’t get confused between a channel name and a handle because both things serve different purposes.

Even If you don’t like the new handle on YouTube, you can change it to another one with the same process I shared above. According to YouTube, you can change handles two times every 14 days.

What Are The Things You Can Do With YouTube Handle?

Here are the useful things that you can do with YouTube Handle:

  • You can get noticed on YouTube when somebody watches your shorts.
  • Set yourself apart by having a unique name in your profile, which will improve your authenticity.
  • Having your handle will let other people tag in their videos.
  • Finding you on YouTube will be easier than ever by simply typing your handle after
  • With handles, you can connect with other members of the YouTube community.

And a lot more.

Whether you are a creator or not, I recommend you reserve your unique handle because other people may take that from you and pretend like you for scams,, and I know you don’t want that to happen.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a handle on YouTube?

Not everybody needs a handle on YouTube; however, If you are a creator, you have multiple benefits of having your unique handle on YouTube.

Will everyone get a YouTube handle?

Yes, everyone can get a handle on YouTube,, and there is no specific requirement to create a handle on YouTube.

What are some YouTube handles?

Some of the best handles on YouTube are, @mkbhd, @SonyLIV, @TaylorSwift, @selenagomez, and @FoxNews.
You can take these handles as your ideas to create a handle on YouTube.


Having your unique user name is always a good idea because these days, impersonating has become a common practice among fraudsters, and you don’t want others to use your name when committing a crazy crime, and that’s the reason YouTube has brought handle in the streaming platform to protect the identity of the creators.

I hope you may have understood What YouTube Handle is all about with this quick post. If you still have any questions, let me know in the comments below, and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Thanks.

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