What Is Twitter Shadowban & How To Fix Your Account?

Twitter (now X) is an excellent way to share your thoughts and news and connect with like-minded people, but what happens when you get a Twitter shadowban? You get fewer interactions with your posts and profile, and a lot can happen when you get this. If you want to know more about it, you have come to the right place.

In this post, I will talk about Twitter shadowban in detail, which help you understand it clearly and easily, and I will also show you what you can do about it If you have become a victim of that one.

Before jumping into the main topic, let’s see what Twitter shadowban means.

What Is A Twitter Shadowban?

Twitter shadowban means Twitter will intentionally show your posts and photos on Twitter to a very limited number of people. I’m not talking about a small education in numbers. I’m talking about at least more than one-third of the views, understood?

shadowban of twitter

For example, If you have been getting 500 views per post on each Tweet, you’ll now get 50 or even fewer views for your Tweets. As you can see, this happens when you get a Twitter shadowban, which massively reduces your reach, and you’ll have difficulty getting noticed by other people on this social media platform.

How to Check Twitter Shadowban?

There are multiple ways to check the Twitter Shadowbans, and I’ll try to include all the possible below.

1. Check Twitter Shadowban via tools:

These are some of the best Twitter shadowban tester tools you can use right now:


If you ask me what is the best way to find out whether your Twitter account has been shadowbanned by Twitter, I would say it is by using any of these three tools.

Why?  They are free to use and will show your Twitter account’s status in just a few minutes.

It’ll show detailed reports like whether your Twitter account is a victim of:

  • Search suggestion ban.
  • Search ban.
  • Ghost ban.
  • Reply deboosting.

If you want to more about these terms, click on the option where these tools may have written a short description about it.

2. Use Statistics:

twitter stats of users

Statistics is one of the easiest ways to know whether you have been shadowbanned by Twitter, and you don’t need an extra tool to find out about this. What you need to do is take a look at your recent posts on Twitter and see how well it is performing.

You need to compare your impressions, likes, view count, comments, and retweets and compare it with your previous tweets. This will give you a clear idea about the status of your Twitter account. If everything seems normal, your account is safe from the shadow ban, or else it may have been shadowbanned by Twitter.

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3. Try using another account:

If your Twitter account has been shadowbanned for some reason, you need to understand that it’ll show while searching your profile name in the search bar, and the best way to find out about that is by signing in with another Twitter account.

Once logged into another Twitter account, type your “user name” in the search and see If you can find your profile in the search results. If your profile isn’t there, you can confirm that your account has become a victim of Twitter Shadowban.

4. Comment on a Tweet who isn’t following you:

Another great to find out about the status of your Twitter account is, by commenting on someone’s Tweet. The person shouldn’t follow you. The thing is, you may be able to see your reply to a specific Tweet from your account, but others may not be able to see it.

Here’s what you need to do now:

  • Open a Tweet who isn’t following you back.
  • Copy and paste the URL of that Tweet in the incognito tab.
  • Now, check If you can see your reply to that Tweet.

If you can see your reply, it means your Twitter account is safe from Shadowban and If you don’t see it, it means your Twitter Shadowban has started now.

So, these are the 4 methods you can try to find out If you have been shadowbanned by Twitter. Let’s look at some possible reasons for getting a Twitter Shadowban.

Why Have You Got a Twitter Shadowbanned?

Some of the possible reasons why you may have got the Twitter shadowbanned are:

  1. You are being manipulative: If you are trying to manipulate Twitter and do anything that violates Twitter policy, it is obvious that you’ll get a shadowban from this social media platform.
  2. Many people have blocked you: If you have offended many people and they have blocked you in a large number, the chances of getting a Twitter shadowban are pretty high.
  3. Following and Unfollowing in Mass: If you have followed a large number of people and suddenly you blocked or unfollowed them, you may get a Twitter shadowban for this act.
  4. Posting the same web links repeatedly: If you are trying to promote a specific web link, whether it is a product page or service page, repeatedly, you’ll get a ban by Twitter because they don’t like it.
  5. Using bots for your Tweets: If you use some bots or a similar service to post your Tweets or Replies, Twitter may think it is shady and will give you a shadowban for this act without any delays.

Are you doing any of this stuff on Twitter? If YES, now you know why you may have got a shadow from Twitter.

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These are the major reasons why you or someone you know may have been a victim of a Twitter Shadowban. Let me tell you what you can do about it.

What to do If I have been Shadowbanned on Twitter?

If you have been shadowbanned on Twitter, here’s what you need to do:

how to twitter shadowban

1. Wait for a few days:

If you have confirmed that your Twitter account has been Twitter Shadowbanned by any of the methods I have mentioned above, the first thing you should do is NOTHING.

Yes, that’s correct. You shouldn’t post anything on your Twitter profile until a few days, and that’s the best way to overcome the Twitter shadowban. For safety purposes, you should wait for at least 3 days and see If the ban is gone from your account.

This simple trick will save you countless hours of frustration about the Twitter Shadowban.

2. Remove spammy content:

If you have posted a lot of spammy or adult content from your Twitter profile, you should remove it as soon as possible because Twitter doesn’t like that content and thinks it may harm others, and it is a good practice to over the Twitter shadowban.

Go through Tweets individually, remove all the spammy links and content, and then you’ll be fine.

3. Don’t create a new account:

During the Twitter shadowban, it is highly recommended not to create a new account on Twitter because Twitter has your IP address, and they may block both the old and the new account immediately. Don’t take the risk, and never create a secondary account on Twitter If you don’t want to lose the primary one.

4. Update the existing account:

During the period of Twitter shadowban, it is recommended to update your profile details, such as a new profile picture, Bio, etc., to make your Twitter account natural and not like a bot. This may help you reduce the period of Twitter shadowban, and you can use your account as usual.

5. Get in touch with Twitter’s support team:

The last thing you can try to overcome the Twitter shadowban is to contact the support team on Twitter and let me know about your situation. They may examine your account in detail and help you fix the problem If you aren’t violating Twitter’s terms and conditions.

How long does Twitter shadowban last?

Twitter shadowban usually lasts 2-3 days; however, in the rare scenario, it could last up to 5 days.

Many people have this question in mind whether the Twitter shadow ban lasts for a long or short period, and the good news is that it is a short period of around 2 or 3 days.

That’s it. In some rare cases, the shadowban of Twitter has lasted up to 5 days, but that’s not very common, to be honest.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How to If a Tweet is by Shadowban account?

Twitter’s shadowban now comes with a label that says, “Visibility limited: this Tweet may violate Twitter’s rules against “Hateful Conduct,” which is a sign of a shadowban account.
With this new label, identifying an account whose account has been shadowbanned on Twitter has become a little easier.

Why do accounts get shadowbanned by Twitter?

The most common reason why accounts on Twitter get shadowbanned is posting irrelevant or spammy links multiple times, mass blocking, and much more.
I have explained this one a little above; you can read my points to understand the reasons behind the Twitter shadowban.

Do you get notified if you’re shadowbanned?

No, Twitter will not notify you If you have been shadowbanned on this platform. You need to manually check your account either with tools or by using the statistics.
Unlike a suspension, shadowban is different, and you won’t be notified when you get a shadowban on Twitter. You can follow the above methods to find out this.

Does Twitter reverse permanent suspension?

Yes, Twitter does reverse the permanent suspension; however, they will only do that If they have all the right reasons to do so, or else they won’t.
For example, If you have been suspended on Twitter for some wrong reasons, you can appeal to them about that, and If they find out that they have made a mistake from there, they’ll immediately remove the suspension from your account. If the account does violate the T/C of Twitter, they won’t remove the suspension at any cost.


Twitter is an interesting place with interesting people, but once you violate their terms and conditions, it’ll not take Twitter for a long time to give you shadowban, and that’s why you need to be careful while doing this. I hope you have understood everything about the Twitter Shadowban with this detailed post and how to get rid of it If you are a victim of that.

If you have any other questions about Twitter, do let me know in the comments below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!

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