Some time prior, if you needed to save a Tweet to view it later, you would have to press the like button or bookmark the link to the Tweet on your internet browser. Now that the Bookmarks feature is available, this has become easy for all users. However, many users have recently reported the issue of Twitter Bookmarks not working.
Twitter has inevitably become a part of our lives. This social media stage is a one-stop objective to communicate your displeasure, get information about current topics, see trends in various areas, and express your humor through tweets. With all these features, you might also want to bookmark some tweets for future reference or reading.
We have written this article for you if you are also facing the same issue where your Twitter bookmarks are not loading and wondering if any easy fixes might solve the problem. Here, we will look into the possible causes behind the problem and how to fix them.
What Are Twitter Bookmarks?
If you are an active social media user, bookmarks might not be a new feature to you, and you might use it most of the time. On any social media platform, bookmarks assist you with saving your favorite posts, so you can get to them at whatever point you need without shuffling through many posts.
Using this same concept, Twitter introduced the bookmarks feature in 2018 for its users to save their favorite tweets to read them again later. Earlier, there was only an option to either Like or retweet the tweets you liked or even bookmark the tweet links on a web browser to look into them in the future. Twitter Bookmarks are private and are not visible to any of your followers, unlike Retweets.
Why Is Twitter Bookmarks Not Loading?
Typically, Twitter Bookmarks work fine. You can search for all of your Bookmarks on your profile to see them all. Your Twitter bookmarks may not be working or loading for several reasons. Some of the most common ones are listed below.
1. Internet Connection Issues:
The bookmark feature may not function properly if your network connectivity is weak or unstable. The problem of Twitter bookmarks not saving occurs mainly because of issues with your Internet connection or if the Tweet was recently deleted. Therefore, ensure that you have strong and stable internet connectivity before you try again.
2. Outdated Version Of Twitter:
If you use an outdated version of Twitter via a web browser or your Mobile Twitter App has not been updated, the Bookmarks feature might not work properly. Consider using an updated version of the browser or the App.
3. Technical Glitches:
If you open your Twitter account and notice that most of your bookmarks are not visible or gone, the problem might be with the servers. Twitter Bookmarks can not work if there are any technical glitches, which result in your Bookmarks not being properly saved.
4. Browser Extensions:
Some of the browser extensions you installed on your web browser might be interfering with the Bookmarks feature on Twitter. Try disabling those extensions and going to the Bookmarks again to check if that is the problem.
5. Issues With Your Account:
Twitter bookmarks do not work if your account is suspended or if your profile has been recently blocked by the person whose tweet you are looking for. Ensure your account and the Login features are working properly before going to the Bookmarks.
6. Cache And Cookie Settings:
Your browser’s cache and cookie settings can sometimes cause Twitter’s bookmark to highlight issues. You will have to clear the cache and cookies to solve the problem.
How To Fix Twitter Bookmarks Not Working Problem?
Now that we know most of the causes behind the problem with Bookmarks on Twitter, we can look into the fixes for this problem. We have mentioned some methods below that have been tried and tested by us, and we hope these also work for you.
If one method does not work for you, you can try the next one in the list.
1. Fix Your Internet Connection:
Switch Off the WiFi and Turn On Mobile Data on your device. You can also try turning Off and On the WiFi on your PC. Before you open the Twitter Bookmarks section, ensure your network connection has the required speed and is stable enough to load the bookmarks. You can check the speed of your Internet connection by taking a Speedtest.
If your WiFi does not have the required stability, use Twitter with Mobile Data. Faulty internet connections might interfere with the Bookmarks being loaded.
2. Clear Browser Cache And Cookies:
If Twitter’s bookmark feature isn’t working, you can fix it by clearing your browser’s cache and cookies on the PC. To clear your storage, go to your browser settings and the settings to clear your browsing history and cookie settings. Follow these steps on the Chrome browser:
- Open the settings by clicking the three dots in the top right corner. Click on the More Tools option.
- In the list of options, click on the ‘Clear Browsing data’ option to clear the browser storage.
3. Check The Twitter Server Status:
Even though there are only a few instances where the Twitter servers have gone down, it can happen anytime. To check if the issue is on their side because the servers are down, you can use DownDetector, where you can find live data regarding the server status of various social media sites, as reported by other users.
4. Update Twitter:
An outdated App might lead to glitches in some of its features, resulting in your Twitter Bookmarks disappearing. You can update your browser if you use Twitter on a PC. In the case of the Mobile App, you can go to the Play Store or the Apple App Store to check for any pending updates and install them, if any.
If your App is up to date, you can try uninstalling the App on your Mobile by clicking on the ‘Uninstall’ option when you long-press the App icon. Further, you can reinstall the App, Log in to your account and check if the problem has been solved.
5. Restart The App:
Restart the Twitter Application for iOS and Android, log out from your account, and afterward log back in. The bookmark should now be saved, so try that. You can even try restarting your Phone before doing the same. A restart mostly fixes the errors within the App.
6. Check Bookmarks On Another Device:
You can know if the problem with the Twitter bookmarks is due to the device you use or the issues with your Twitter profile. For this, try logging in to your account from another device through the Mobile App or another web browser on a PC.
If the bookmarks feature works properly on another device, the problem is with your previous device’s hardware. You can check for any hardware issues. If the feature does not work even after changing the device, then the problem is likely with your account, and you might need to contact Twitter Support.
7. Check Your Account Status:
If Twitter temporarily suspends your Account for violating its Terms, you cannot view your Bookmarks. In such cases, you will have to wait until the ban on your account has been removed. However, you will be able to view Tweets as usual. You will have restrictions on liking, retweeting, and saving the tweets.
8. Disable Browser Extensions:
At times, browser extensions can obstruct the appropriate working of sites. Disable any extensions connected with Twitter or bookmarks settings and check whether the Twitter bookmarks feature starts working properly. To do so, follow these steps:
- Launch Chrome, click on the three dots in the top right corner and go to the ‘More tools’ section.
- Click on the Extensions option to go to the section where all the extensions are installed.
- Select the extensions that are likely to interfere with Twitter and Remove them.
9. Check for Tweet deletion
Recheck to see if the Tweet you want to save into bookmarks still exists. You can refresh the page and check again. Sometimes the person who has tweeted can delete their tweets while you try to save them. This can be the reason behind the problem of Twitter bookmarks not Saving.
10. Contact Twitter Support:
If none of the methods we mentioned above worked for you, you can try this one as a last option. You can contact Twitter Support and complain about the bookmarks feature not working for you. They may be able to provide you with other troubleshooting methods for the same.
Go to the Twitter Help Center and select the area where you are facing problems and you can describe your issue.
Frequently Asked Questions:
No. Currently, there is no limit on the number of tweets a user can save. However, some people have rarely reported that they could not save over 100 bookmarks, although Twitter has not officially confirmed the same.
No. Twitter does not eliminate any bookmarks you have in your account. You can delete the bookmarks you no longer require if you need to.
No. All the bookmarks you save are private and will be viewable only. Only your Likes and retweets will be visible to others.
The bookmarking feature is one of Twitter’s best innovations since Elon Musk took over. You can save tweets that you might want to return to later using this feature. Also, this element is free to use, and there aren’t any limits to the number of tweets you can add to bookmark on Twitter.
Sometimes, you might face a problem when your Twitter Bookmarks are not working. In such cases, your bookmarks might not load, or some might not have been saved. But fortunately, there are many fixes to this problem.
In this blog, we listed the top easy fixes to the problems with Twitter bookmarks. If you have read the blog and still have any issues, please get in touch with us in the comments. We would also love to hear your feedback regarding the blog!!
Hello, I’m Sreelakshmi, a content enthusiast with 6 years of experience. I’m dedicated to addressing critical issues within OTT content through insightful articles, using my words to spark discussions and provide clarity.