How to Get TikTok Live Access Without 1000 Followers?

If you happen to be a creator on TikTok, there are multiple ways to talk with your followers, and one of them is going live, from which you can interact with your fans or followers in real time.

If you are a new creator who wants to go live but can’t due to fewer followers, don’t worry, as I have the right solution for you. In this post, I’m going to show you how to get TikTok live access without 1000 followers with simple steps.

Just follow the steps I’m about to show you, and you can go live on TikTok without any issues. Let’s get started.

How To Get TikTok Live Access Without 1000 Followers?

To access TikTok live feature without 1000 followers, you can contact the support team of TikTok and let them know about it.

Here’s the step-by-step process to do that:

  • Open the “Settings” menu from your TikTok Profile.
  • In the support section, click on “Report a problem.”
tiktok report a problem
  • In the popular tab, tap “I can’t start a LIVE”.
voice control for chatgpt example
  • You’ll see detailed info about TikTok, and you need to click on the “NO” option just below that.
  • In the “Tell us your feedback” box, you must detail why you need access to TikTok.
tiktok live problem
  • Once you have written everything, click on “Report,” and you are done.

Just like any other app, TikTok has its own rules for accessing the live feature because they want to ensure that it doesn’t get misused by someone. If you are a new creator on TikTok, it is quite obvious that you may not gain 1000 followers in just a couple of days or weeks.

You’ll need to publish engaging content regularly to get 1k followers. If you have been doing great work on TikTok and still haven’t 1k followers but want to go live with your followers, you need to do something unique, and that’s what I have explained above.

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The only way you can get access to TikTok live feature without 1000 followers is, by requesting the team of TikTok to grant this feature. If they find out your profile is genuine and posting great content, they may eventually give you access to this feature.

I would like to mention here that, in the “Tell us your feedback” box, you’ll need to enter the genuine reason why you want access to the live feature of TikTok. A generic or random request will not be taken seriously. I hope you got my point, right?

What Are The Requirements To Go Live On TikTok?

Here are the requirements to go live on TikTok:

  • It would be best to meet the minimum age limit depending on your country. For example, If you are in the United States or Canada, you must be at least 18 years old, or based in countries like South Kora, you must be at least 16.
  • You must have at least 1000 followers or more.
  • Follow all the guidelines of TikTok, and don’t break the terms.

If you have all these things, you’ll get the live feature on TikTok, and then you can go live with your friends or followers anytime you want.

The age limit of TikTok isn’t the same for everyone. They have different rules based on the country you live in. Some countries prefer 18 years as an adult, whereas others are okay with 16 years. Search on Google about that, and you’ll learn about it quickly.

The next big thing to access TikTok live is having a minimum of 1k or more followers. If you don’t have that many followers, you should follow the above method where I mentioned how to go live on TikTok without 1000 followers because that’s the only way to access this feature.

Lastly, I want to mention that you should follow all the guidelines of TikTok and don’t break the rules set by TikTok. If you don’t follow the terms and conditions, you may even get banned from their platform.

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How To Get 1000 Followers On TikTok Organically?

tikok increase followers

If you want to get 1000 followers on TikTok organically, here’s what you need to do:

  • Understand TikTok algorithm: Just like Facebook and Instagram, TikTok works differently and you need to understand the basic things of how TikTok algorithm works and then you’ll have a great understanding of this platform which will help you build the right content.
  • Identify your niche: Going for any random thing may not guarantee your success on TikTok. You just need to pick the right niche for yourself and stick to that for a long time, making you an authority figure on TikTok. By building authority, you’ll have many more followers than ever.
  • Create engaging content: Nobody likes boring content, especially on TikTok. What you should do on TikTok to gain new followers is publish unique and engaging content that’ll hook users to your videos and If they like your content, they’ll eventually follow you.
  • Leverage TikTok trends: One of the fastest ways to gain new followers is by going after the trends. Just posting the trending video in your own stylish and engaging users will surely give you a follow.

Once you have got 1000 followers on TikTok, you can live stream your videos without doing any additional steps I have discussed above.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why can’t I join live on TikTok?

If you are unable to join someone’s TikTok live, it might be because they may have been restricted to a specific group of people and they may not have included you from their list. If that’s the case, you should request the person for whom the live event you want to join, and when they add you to the live call, you can join it.

How much does TikTok pay?

According to a few reports, TikTok pays $0.02 and $0.04 per 1,000 views. The numbers may change depending on various things such as niche, audience, popularity, and more.

Can I make money on TikTok without followers?

Unfortunately, making money on TikTok without followers is quite hard because you’ll get a very less video count, and with that much of views, it is not possible to earn a good amount. It would be best if you tried to increase your number of followers; eventually, you may earn a decent amount after that.

How many followers on TikTok to go live?

You must have at least 1000 followers on TikTok to go live.


Going TikTok live with your followers is the new and one of the best ways to interact with them. You can answer some of their questions and announce your new product or any other thing in real time, but many people don’t know exactly how to get TikTok live access without 1000 followers. If you happen to be one of them, I hope you may have got help from this post.

If you have any other questions, let me know in the comments below, and I’ll talk to you very soon. Thanks.

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