Top 20 Snapchat Story Games To Play In 2024

As a fun and engaging way to connect with friends and family, Snapchat story games have grown in popularity over time. Typically, participants in these games respond to prompts or challenges via Snapchat stories with original responses that produce hilarious or thought-provoking outcomes.

Snapchat story games are a one-of-a-kind and entertaining experience that you won’t want to miss out on, whether you’re looking for a fun icebreaker, a way to pass the time, or just a way to exercise your creative muscles.

One of the great things about Snapchat story games is that they are easily shareable, and you can play with your friends no matter where they are in the world. Plus, they’re a great way to start a conversation, whether you’re meeting new people or catching up with old friends.

Top 20 Snapchat Story Games 2024

Snapchat story games are a great way to spice up your feed with some variety and excitement because there are so many different games to choose from. We have got a list of the Top 20 Snapchat Story Games that will keep you hooked every time you open the app!

Trigger Warning: The player is advised to play at their discretion as these games can be super-fun and addictive! Buckle up and hang tight as we bring these games to you.

1. Never Have I Ever


The popular Snapchat story game “Never Have I Ever” can be played with friends. By saying “Never have I ever [something they haven’t done],” one player begins the game. Other players have to take a drink or take on a silly challenge if they have completed that task. For instance, if the first player says, “Never have I ever gone skydiving,” then everyone who has gone skydiving would either take a drink or participate in a challenge.

This game is a fun way to get to know your friends better and talk about your own experiences. It can also be a great way to get to know new people and start conversations. In addition, it can be played in a variety of settings, including in person or online with friends.

You can share your responses to “Never Have I Ever” on Snapchat by using text, images, or videos. You can also make the game more fun and creative by utilizing Snapchat’s stickers, filters, and other features.

2. Two Truths And A Lie


“Two Truths and a Lie” is a popular Snapchat story game that can be played with friends. In this game, each person takes turns sharing three statements about themselves. Two of the statements are true, and one is a lie. The other players have to guess which statement is the lie.

For example, one person might say: “I have a pet dog, I’ve been to five different countries, and I can speak French.” The other players would then have to guess which statement is the lie.

This game is a fun way to get to know your friends better and share interesting facts about yourself. It can also be a great way to start conversations and spark some laughs. When playing “Two Truths and a Lie” on Snapchat, you can use text, photos, or videos to share your responses. You can also use Snapchat’s stickers, filters, and other features to add some creativity and fun to the game.

3. Would You Rather


A popular game for Snapchat stories “Would You Rather” can be played with friends. In this game, one person asks “Would you rather…”, which is followed by two different scenarios. The other players must then select their preferred scenario and, if they wish, explain.

One person, for instance, might say: Would you rather never eat pizza again or only eat pizza for the rest of your life?” After that, the other players would have to decide which scenario they preferred and explain why.

This game is a great way to have fun, learn more about your friends’ values and preferences, and laugh. Because it allows you to learn about the interests and priorities of other people, it can also be a great way to meet new people. You can share your responses to “Would You Rather” on Snapchat using text, images, or videos. You can also make the game more fun and creative by utilizing Snapchat’s stickers, filters, and other features.

4. This Or That


A well-liked game for Snapchat stories “This or That” can be played with friends. In this game, one player asks the other players a series of questions that force them to choose between two options. The choices can be anything, from food to activities to movies to music.

One person, for instance, might inquire, ” Tea or coffee? Mountains or the beach? Comedies or horror films? The other players would then have to decide which option they want and, if they wanted, explain why.

Sharing your preferences and getting to know your friends better through this game is a fun activity. It can also be a great way to get people talking and discover common interests. You can share your responses to the game “This or That” on Snapchat using text, images, or videos. You can also make the game more fun and creative by utilizing Snapchat’s stickers, filters, and other features.

5. Truth Or Dare


The classic Snapchat story game “Truth or Dare” can be played with friends. In this game, one player challenges another player to either complete a dare or answer a personal question honestly. If the player selects “truth,” the person asking the question will pose a personal question to them, to which they will be required to respond honestly. The person asking the question will assign the player a task to complete if they choose dare.

One person, for instance, might inquire, ” Dare or truth?” The other player might respond Truth.” The first person would then ask a personal question, like “What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?” The first person might say something like, “I dare you to do a silly dance and send me a video” if the other player selects “dare.”

A fun way to get to know your friends better and share personal stories is through this game. It can also be a great way to laugh and bring some excitement to your conversations. You can share your responses using text, images, or videos when playing “Truth or Dare” on Snapchat. You can also make the game more fun and creative by utilizing Snapchat’s stickers, filters, and other features.

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6. Emoji Challenge


The “Emoji Challenge” is a fun Snapchat story game where you have to make a sequence of emojis that represents a song, movie, or phrase. The challenge is coming up with an emoji sequence that is both difficult enough to puzzle your friends and simple enough that they will eventually be able to figure it out.

Using emojis like a park, a dinosaur, and a film camera, for instance, you could make an emoji sequence that represents “Jurassic Park.” Then, the other players would have to guess what you meant by looking at the emojis you used.

This game is a fun way to test your imagination and emoji communication skills. It can also be a great way to show your friends your favorite movies, songs, or expressions and learn about new ones. You can use the built-in emoji keyboard of Snapchat to play the “Emoji Challenge” as well as any additional emojis you’ve downloaded or made yourself. You can also add additional hints or clues to your emoji sequence by making use of Snapchat’s text and drawing tools.

7. Caption This


The Snapchat story game “Caption This” challenges your friends to write the best caption for a funny or interesting photo that you post. Your captions should be as funny and creative as possible to see who can come up with the best one.

You could, for instance, ask your friends to caption a picture of your dog making a funny face and post it online. Some examples of possible captions include: “When you see someone eating your favorite snack,” or “When you realize it’s Monday tomorrow.” The next step would be for the other players to come up with original captions and send them back to you.

Playing this game with your friends is a great way to laugh and get your creative juices flowing. You can use Snapchat’s text and drawing tools to add additional elements to your photo and create your captions when playing “Caption This.” You can also make the game more fun and creative by utilizing Snapchat’s stickers, filters, and other features.

8. Finish The Sentence


The Snapchat story game “Caption This” challenges your friends to write the best caption for a funny or interesting photo that you post. Your captions should be as funny and creative as possible to see who can come up with the best one.

You could, for instance, ask your friends to caption a picture of your dog making a funny face and post it online. Some examples of possible captions include: “When you see someone eating your favorite snack,” or “When you realize it’s Monday tomorrow.” The next step would be for the other players to come up with original captions and send them back to you.

Playing this game with your friends is a great way to laugh and get your creative juices flowing. You can use Snapchat’s text and drawing tools to add additional elements to your photo and create your captions when playing “Caption This.” You can also make the game more fun and creative by utilizing Snapchat’s stickers, filters, and other features.

9. Sing Or Dance


The fun Snapchat story game “Sing or Dance” challenges your friends to sing or dance to a song of their choosing. The objective is to test your friends’ skills and have some fun doing so.

You could, for instance, challenge your friends to imitate you by posting a video of yourself singing a verse from your favorite song. You could also challenge your friends to dance to a popular song by posting a video of yourself dancing to it.

This game is a great way to have fun with your friends and show off your musical and dancing skills. You can use Snapchat’s camera and video tools to record your performances and add additional elements to your videos when playing “Sing or Dance” on the app. You can also use the music and sound effects on Snapchat to make your performances more fun and personal, as well as to test your friends in new and interesting ways.

10. Guess The Movie


A fun Snapchat story game “Guess the Movie” asks your friends to guess the title of a famous movie by posting a picture or video clip from it. The objective is to have some fun and see who can identify the movie first.

You could, for instance, challenge your friends to guess the title of a classic movie by posting a still image from it. Alternatively, you could challenge your friends to guess the name of a recent movie by posting a brief video clip.

This game is a fun way to test your movie knowledge and your friends’ movie knowledge. You can use the app’s camera and video tools to create your movie stills or clips when playing “Guess the Movie” on Snapchat. You can also challenge your friends with new and interesting movie trivia. To make the game even more fun and challenging, you can also use Snapchat’s text and drawing tools to add more clues to your posts.

11. Kiss, Marry, Kill


A well-liked Snapchat story game “Kiss, Marry, Kill” requires you to select three people and then give each of them one of three choices: marry, kiss, or die. The objective is to have a good time and see who your friends would pick for each choice.

You could, for instance, pick three famous people or three of your friends and ask them to choose one of the three options. The idea is to consider who you would like to kiss, marry, and “kill” (which is just saying that you don’t want to choose them for the other two options).

Finding out who your friends are drawn to, who they’d like to spend the rest of their lives with, and who they’d rather avoid is fun with this game. When you play “Kiss, Marry, Kill” on Snapchat, you can use the app’s text and drawing tools to make your responses even more creative and interesting. You can also add personality and fun to the game by utilizing Snapchat’s stickers, filters, and other features.

12. Roast Battle


“Roast Battle” pits two people against each other in a game of wits and insults. The objective is to have a good time and see who can come up with the most original and amusing insults.

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For instance, two friends might agree to smear one another and then take turns posting insults to each other’s Snapchat stories. The goal is to come up with clever and funny insults that will make the other person laugh and feel a little bit roasted at the same time.

This game is a fun way to show off your sense of humor and compete against other players to see who can come up with the most insults. You can use Snapchat’s text, drawing, and filter tools to add more elements to your insults and make them even more creative and engaging when playing “Roast Battle” on the app. You can deliver your insults more animatedly and dynamically by making use of Snapchat’s video and audio capabilities. Having said that, it’s essential to keep things light-hearted and to ensure that you aren’t crossing any lines or offending anyone.

13. Name Game


The Snapchat story game “Name Game” asks you to name things based on particular categories or themes. The objective is to have a good time and see who can come up with the most original and clever responses.

You could, for instance, pick a category like “animals” and ask your friends to name as many animals as they can in a given amount of time. You could also pick a theme like “movie titles” and ask your friends to name movies that go with it.

To see who can come up with the most answers, this game is a fun way to test your knowledge and creativity. You can use Snapchat’s text, drawing, and filter tools to add more elements to your responses and make them even more creative and engaging when playing “Name Game” on the app. You can also share your responses more animatedly and dynamically by making use of Snapchat’s video and audio features.

Overall, “Name Game” is a Snapchat story game that is entertaining to play with friends and family of all ages.

14. What Would You Do?


“What Would You Do?” is a Snapchat story game in which friends are asked to respond to hypothetical scenarios and what they would do in those circumstances. The objective is to elicit conversation and observe how people respond to various scenarios.

You might ask, “What would you do if you found a wallet with a large amount of cash in it?” as an illustration. or “If you could travel back in time to any point in history, what would you do?” Questions of this kind can elicit interesting debates and discussions about personal beliefs, values, and ethics.

Playing this game is a fun way to learn more about your friends and look at things from different angles. During the game “What Would You Do?” You can make your Snapchat scenarios even more engaging by incorporating additional elements and making use of the app’s text, drawing, and filter tools. You can also share your responses more animatedly and dynamically by making use of Snapchat’s video and audio features.

“What Would You Do?” as a whole is a challenging Snapchat story game that can assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of your friends and stoking interesting conversations.

15. Guess The Celebrity


The Snapchat story game “Guess The Celebrity” asks your friends to guess who a particular celebrity is by giving them clues or hints about that celebrity. The objective is to see who can identify the most celebrities and put your knowledge of popular culture to the test.

You might, for instance, give a series of clues to your friends, such as “This celebrity has won multiple Oscars” or “This celebrity is known for their philanthropy work,” and then ask them to guess who that celebrity is. You could also post a series of pictures of a celebrity’s face, each one gradually revealing more of their features.

This game is a fun way to see how well you know your favourite celebrities and how well you know popular culture. You can add more hints and clues to the game of “Guess The Celebrity” on Snapchat by utilizing the app’s text, drawing, and filter tools to make it even more challenging and fun. You can also share your responses more animatedly and dynamically by making use of Snapchat’s video and audio features.

In general, “Guess The Celebrity” is a fun Snapchat story game that anyone of any age can play with friends and family.

16. Bucket List Challenge


The Snapchat story game “Bucket List Challenge” encourages you and your friends to talk about your dreams and goals for your life. The objective is to compile a wish list of things you want to accomplish before you die and to motivate one another to live life to the fullest.

You might, for instance, compile a list of things on your bucket list, such as “Skydive,” “Learn a new language,” or “Visit all seven continents.” You can then share these things with your friends on Snapchat, along with any other ideas, motivations, or inspirations that inspire you to work toward these goals.

This game is a fun way to learn more about your friends’ goals and aspirations and your ambitions. You can use Snapchat’s text, drawing, and filter tools to add more elements to your lists and make them even more creative and engaging when playing the “Bucket List Challenge” on the app. As you work toward achieving the things on your bucket list, you can also share your experiences and stories using Snapchat’s video and audio features.

Overall, “Bucket List Challenge” is a challenging Snapchat story game that can encourage you and your friends to dream big and follow their passions. It’s a fun way to learn about new ideas and gain support and inspiration as you work toward your life goals.

17. Memory Challenge


“Memory Challenge” puts your memory skills to the test by challenging you and your friends to recall a series of items, images, or pieces of information. The objective is to test your memory and see who can recall the most information over time.

You could, for instance, make a collection of emojis or images and ask your friends to remember the order in which they were displayed. Alternatively, you could challenge your friends to memorize a set of random letters, numbers, or words and see who can do it the best. You could also write a story with a series of characters or events and test your friends to remember their order.

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This game is a fun way to test how well you can remember information over time and test your memory skills. You can use Snapchat’s text, drawing, and filter tools to add more elements to your game and make it more visually engaging when playing “Memory Challenge” on the app. You can also share your responses and add additional commentary or feedback by making use of Snapchat’s video and audio features.

Overall, “Memory Challenge” is a fun Snapchat story game that can help you improve your memory and have fun with your friends at the same time. It’s a fantastic way to test your limits and see how well you retain information over time.

18. 20 Questions


On Snapchat, the classic guessing game “20 Questions” can be played as a story game. The game’s rules are straightforward: By asking a series of yes-or-no questions, one player names a person, place, or thing, and the other player must guess what it is. Before having to make their final guess, the player who is guessing has the option to ask up to twenty questions.

For instance, the player making a guess might inquire, “Is it a person?” or “Have you ever been there before?” The only options available to the player who is answering the questions are “yes” and “no.” The player who is guessing should begin to narrow down the options as they ask more questions until they can make an educated guess about what the other player is thinking of.

Players can use the app’s drawing, text, and filter tools to add more elements to their questions and responses to make the game on Snapchat more fun and engaging. Additionally, players can share their responses and add additional commentary or feedback by utilizing Snapchat’s video and audio features.

Overall, “20 Questions” is a Snapchat story game that is entertaining to play with friends and family. It’s a fun way to test your ability to deduce and guess while also having fun and keeping in touch with Snapchat friends.

19. Word Association


The Snapchat story game “Word Association” is easy and fun to play with friends and family. One player says a word, and the next person says the first word that comes to mind. This is how the game works. Until everyone has had their turn, this procedure continues with each person speaking the first word that comes to mind.

If the first person says “an apple,” for instance, the next person might say “pie” and the one after that might say “crust.” The game can last as long as the players want it to, and each player tries to make new and unexpected connections.

On Snapchat, players can use the app’s drawing and text tools to add more elements to their responses to make the game more engaging and visually appealing. Additionally, players can share their responses and add additional commentary or feedback by utilizing Snapchat’s video and audio features.

Overall, “Word Association” is a great way to test your ability to think quickly and spontaneously and exercise creativity. It’s a fun and simple way to stay in touch with Snapchat friends and family while having fun and laughing together

20. Who’s More Likely To?


Who is more likely to? is a well-liked Snapchat story game that works well with a group of friends or family. The way the game works is that one person asks “who’s more likely to…?” and everyone in the group votes for the person they think will do the thing in question.

“Who’s more likely to stay up all night binge-watching Netflix?” is one example. then each member of the group would cast a vote for the person they believe is most likely to do so. The round is won by the person with the most votes, and after that, it’s someone else’s turn to ask a question.

The questions can be funny or serious, and they can be made to fit the group’s interests and personalities. “Who is more likely to get lost on a road trip?” is one common inquiry. or “who has a better chance of becoming a millionaire?” As a great option for a quick and simple Snapchat story game, the game can be played for as long or as little as the players want.

“Who’s More Likely to?” overall is a fun and interesting way to learn more about your friends and family’s habits, personalities, and quirks. It’s a great way to have fun, connect with other Snapchat users, have a good time, laugh, and make memories.


In conclusion, playing story games on Snapchat is a creative and entertaining method of social media interaction with friends and family. Snapchat offers a wide range of games, from trivia to storytelling to social challenges, so there is something for everyone.

Snapchat story games are a great way to pass the time on a long car ride, make new friends who live far away, or just have some fun with the people around you. They can be played with a large or small group, and the rules can be changed to fit the personalities and interests of the players.

There are a lot of Snapchat story games to choose from, like “Never Have I Ever,” “Word Association,” and “Who’s More Likely to.” Consider playing a Snapchat story game with your loved ones the next time you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to spend some time on social media.

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