How To Fix Minecraft Launcher Not Working Issue?

Everyone likes to play games. And one of the most played games in the world is Minecraft. If you play Minecraft, you may know about the Minecraft launcher. It is software through which you play Minecraft on Windows, Mac, and Linux. But many users complained of Minecraft Launcher not working.

This can be a frustrating problem, especially if you’re eager to jump into the game and explore all it has to offer. If you are also facing the issue of the Minecraft launcher not working, you are at the right place.

In this article, we’ll talk about the issue of the Minecraft launcher not working.

What Is Minecraft Launcher?

Minecraft Launcher is a software program developed by Mojang, the creator of the popular game Minecraft. It is used to launch the game and manage different versions of it. The launcher also allows players to customize their experience by downloading and installing mods, resource packs, and other customizations.

Minecraft launcher not working

It also provides access to online servers where players can join multiplayer games and chat with other players. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Minecraft Launcher makes playing the game easier. But users are complaining that their Minecraft launcher is not working. Let’s see some of the possible causes behind this issue.

What Causes Minecraft Launcher Not To Work?

There are many reasons behind this issue. Some of them are mentioned below.

Minecraft Java
  • Minecraft is already running in the background: If you started Minecraft but the app got stuck, you might be unable to open it again. All you have to do is stop the processes that are going on and try again. The new one won’t appear unless the old processor is closed.
  • Non-Compatible apps: There’s chance that one of the software, like an antivirus you have on your computer, is stopping Minecraft from starting.
  • Curropt Installation: Your Minecraft launcher may become corrupt when used for a long time. You can fix this by reinstalling the game only after saving your worlds.
  • Outdated Java version: If you’re using the Java version of Minecraft, you need to load the necessary Java files on your device before you can play. Minecraft might not open if you don’t have Java or if you have an old version.
  • Your device doesn’t meet minimum requirements: Old computers may not meet the minimum requirements to run Minecraft. Even if your computer meets the minimum needs for running Minecraft, it may tell you it can’t. People who use AMD graphics cards often have this problem.
  • You have mods on your computer: Mods are code made by people outside Minecraft that change the game directly. If you play with mods, there’s a chance that they won’t work with your game and stop it from starting.
If you think that any of these could be why Minecraft won’t start on your device, try to mend these things. If none of these are the problems, then there are some other things you can do.

How To Fix The “Minecraft Launcher Not Working” Issue?

Now that we have discussed the probable cause behind the issue let’s delve into the solution part.

1. Close Background Minecraft Processors:

As discussed above, if Minecraft is already running in the background, the new one won’t open. Here’s how to close background Minecraft processors, if any.

  • Press Control+Alt+Delete on your keyboard.
  • Tap the Task Manager from the menu.
  • In the task manager, tap on the Processes tab. Here, find the Minecraft processor and tap on it.
Close background processor
  • After selecting, tap on the End task button. This will close any background Minecraft processor. Now, try to open the Minecraft launcher again.

2. Temporary Disable Antivirus Or Firewall:

If you’re still having trouble, your firewall or antivirus software may stop the Minecraft launcher from connecting to the internet. To fix this problem, temporarily turn off your firewall or antivirus software and see if the app works.

If it does, you may have to either uninstall the antivirus or make an exception in the antivirus to exclude the Minecraft launcher. Don’t worry; it’s a safe app and won’t harm your device.

3. Outdated Java Application:

Another common cause of the Minecraft launcher not working is an issue with your Java installation. Minecraft is built using the Java programming language and requires that you have Java installed on your computer to run. If your Java installation is outdated or corrupted, it can cause the launcher to fail to load or crash.

To troubleshoot Java-related issues, start by checking your Java installation. Ensure you have the latest version of Java installed on your computer. You can download the latest version of Java from the official Java website.

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4. Check The Graphic Card:

Graphic card for Minecraft

Your graphics card or drivers could also be why your Minecraft app is not running. Minecraft is a very visual game, so it needs a strong graphics card and the most recent graphics drivers to run easily. If your graphics card is old or its drivers are broken, the app might not load or crash.

5. Launch Minecraft As An Administrator:

Many users have said they resolved the issue by running Minecraft as an administrator. Here’s how to run Minecraft Launcher as an administrator.

  • On your keyboard, type Windows + S. This will open the search bar on your device.
  • Type Minecraft in the search bar.
  • In the results, right-click on Minecraft and tap on “Run as an Adminstration.”
Run as Administrator

A prompt box will appear; tap on “Yes.” This will grant necessary permissions to the game, which may start as usual.


Minecraft launcher not running is a serious and frustrating issue a player may face. Luckily there are some things you can do to resolve it. Read the article to know in detail. In case of any doubt, do let us know in the comment section below.

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