14 Strongest DC Characters: Based on Their Superpowers

DC Comics started its journey with the World’s First Superhero, Superman, and they have grown since that day by introducing more powerful superheroes to its fans. Over the years, DC has introduced iconic superheroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam, Aqua Man, and many others.

14 Strongest DC Characters Based on Their Superpowers

Our list did not feature some powerful characters like Shazam, Wonder Woman, Old Gods, and many more, as we are here to discuss the 14 strongest DC characters ranked based on their superpowers.

14 Strongest DC Characters:

This article will explore the 14 strongest DC characters and what makes them so formidable. So, let’s dive into the DC Comics world and see who cuts the most powerful characters in this universe.

1. The Presence:

The Presence

The Presence is the most powerful entity in DC comics, taking up a middle-aged man’s look. He is the God of the DC universe and Lucifer and Michael’s father. The character was created by Jerry Siegel and Bernard Bailey and was introduced as a fictional version of the Judeo-Christian God in More Fun Comics #52 in 1940.

Before New 52, The Presence was lesser known among the cosmic characters in the old comics. However, the latest version has manifested himself several times in front of others and is also the maker of the Council of Eternity.

2. Lucifer Morningstar:

Lucifer Morningstar

DC’s Lucifer Morningstar is supposed to be a supervillain in DC Comics. However, he is presented as an antihero with too many daddy issues with his father, The Presence. Like in the Bible, Lucifer faced banishment after his failed rebellion against God and became the ruler of the Underworld. He can control any demon he wishes.

Even though the original Devil is the strongest among all the angels, he always has a rivalry against his brother Michael Demiurgos. However, the King of all demons decided to leave his domain behind after ruling Hell for ten billion years. After reaching the human realm, he decided to become the owner of a piano bar in Los Angeles. Lucifer made his debut in the comics in The Sandman #4 in 1989. He set out on a new journey when he met Elaine Belloc and helped her to achieve her goal.

3. Darkseid True Form:

Darkseid True Form

Darkseid has always been not only the biggest threat to Earth but also to the DC Universe. On numerous occasions, Justice League tried its best to defeat him. Sometimes, they successfully do that, and sometimes they fail.

He is one of the strongest members of the DC’s New Gods and the ruler of Apokolips. The villain always keeps his planet in a warring stage against the home planet of his fellow New Gods, New Genesis. 

His brother and the leader of the New Gods, Highfather, reveals the secret of Darkseid to the readers. The usual grey-colored rocky skin appearance of Darkseid is not his usual look. 

Uxas, the alter ego of Darkseid, killed all the Old Gods to take revenge. However, he also absorbed all the powers of those deceased Gods, which made him too powerful to sustain a body. 

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So, he decided to manifest himself as an avatar in each universe. Each of his avatars has just only a fraction of the power of his true form. The comic books have yet to reveal the true look of DC comics’ one of the strongest DC comic villains.

But readers only saw that look in the Final Crisis storyline. To be more precise, Darkseid’s true form is a multiversal level of threat.

4. Superman Prime:

Superman Prime

Superman is DC’s one of the first and oldest superheroes. However, his popularity has introduced different variants of him over the years. However, Superman Prime is the strongest, aka Superman One Billion. The character first appeared in DC One Million in 1998.

This ultimate version of the Man of Steel comes from the 853rd Century. He is around 85,000 years old and has become our yellow Sun’s living extension. However, his backstory is quite tragic as he decided to leave Earth in the late 21st Century after the death of all the people he loved.

This version of Kal-El traveled the whole DC Universe beyond time and space and set up his fortress of solitude in the center of the Sun to live there.

His full extent of superpowers has not been shown yet, but we can easily predict that he has reached an almost infinite level after spending in the sun and absorbing its powers for 15,000 years.

5. The Decreator:

The Decreator

During the creation, God said: ‘Let there be Light!’ This became the reason for creating a dark phenomenon called the Decreator. It is a pure force of annihilation with no consciousness. The Cult of the Unwritten Book worships this entity but has no ties with either good or evil.

Only the members of the Doom Patrol were able to slow it by tricking this entity. However, the full extent of its power is still unknown to the readers.

6. The Spectre:

The Spectre

The Spectre is more popular as DC’s Doctor Doom from Marvel Comics because of his similar look. However, their philosophy and purposes do not have any similarities.

In DC comics, his sole duty is to unleash God’s[The Presence] vengeance upon evil. The Spectre continuously changes his hosts to maintain his form, including James Corrigan, Hal Jordan, and Crispus Allen. This cosmic being is the Spirit of Vengeance and guides many superheroes in the comics to find their path.

The Spectre is an omnipotent being and has access to almost every power. However, he is vulnerable because his mortal host body can be destroyed easily.

7. Anti-Monitor:


As the strongest son of Perpetua, Anti Monitor is the counterpart of the Monitor and is as old as the DC universe itself. He is the ruler of the Anti-matter Universe in DC Comics.

Anti-Monitor has limitless superpowers. This immortal DC supervillain was born from the collection of negative energy. His powers allow him to manipulate the entire Anti-matter Universe. This aspect caused a major event in the comics called the Crisis on Infinite Earth.

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There is a live-action version of the character as LaMonica Garrett played the role of this fictional cosmic supervillain in the Arrowverse.

8. Eclipso:


Eclipso has a long history with different origin stories introduced by different writers. In the old days, he was introduced as a small character with limited abilities. But this supervillain received a huge power-up in the 1992 Darkness Within miniseries. 

Eclipso was held responsible for history’s Great Flood as the Spirit of Vengence. This is blaming saddened him a lot, and evil forces easily corrupted him. Soon, Heaven banished him and sealed him in a black diamond, aka the Heart of Darkness. Any reader can consider Eclipso as a cosmic-level threat.

9. The Endless:

The Endless

Casual DC fans were unaware of these highly powerful beings before the release of The Sandman series. The Endless is a group of powerful siblings representing seven fundamental forces of existence.

The Endless are from DC’s Vertigo comic series, but they have recently made on-screen debuts in Netflix’s The Sandman series. These seven not-so-friendly ageless, immortal, nigh-omnipotent, and dysfunctional siblings are known as Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium. They are named according to their actions. This series is unique just like these characters.

10. Mister MXYZPTLK:


Mister Mxyzptlk is a strange but funny supervillain who always loves to bother Superman. But he always does not act as a villain as he sometimes becomes an anti-hero in the comics. This little supervillain is one of the oldest characters in the DC comics and first appeared as a trickster deity in the Golden Age of Comics.

His comical look may fool the readers as he possesses the power to do anything he wishes as a dweller of the fifth dimension. This imp supervillain has been featured in almost every animated series of Superman.

11. Elaine Belloc:

Elaine Belloc

Elaine Belloc is the deuteragonist in the Lucifer comic book series. After making her debut in Lucifer #4 in 2000, she was supported by her father and uncle, the Archangel Michael and Lucifer Morningstar. Elaine played a vital role in developing Lucifer as a character.

However, she never appeared that much outside the Lucfer Series. After meeting her uncle, she gradually learns that she has a bigger purpose of serving to save the universe as the daughter of the great Archangel, Michael Demiurgos.

However, her journey with her uncle, Lucifer, ended when she inherited the role of her grandfather, The Presence, and became the ruler of Heaven. We rank her before receiving the power of The Presence.

12. Perpetua:


Perpetua is quite a recent supervillain who debuted in Justice League Volume 4 #8 in September 2018. But the full extent of her power is still unknown. However, she is the mastermind behind the Crisis on the Infinite Earths.

Talking about her stand in the DC Universe, she is the mother of three powerful cosmic characters in DC Comics. These three highly powerful beings are the World Forger, The Monitor, and the Anti-Monitor. She is from the race of the Super Celestials.

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As one of the most powerful and oldest entities, she is DC’s Multiverse level of threat who desires to kill the Judges of the Source by harnessing seven hidden forces to create a Multiverse as a weapon.

13. Doctor Manhattan:

Doctor Manhattan

Our list cannot be fulfilled if we do not include the blue, glowing, and half-naked superhero, Doctor Manhattan. He is the strongest member of the Watchmen. After debuting in Watchmen #1 in 1986, he is one of the founding members of that dysfunctional superhero team.

We cannot sum up Doctor Manhattan as a typical hero, as some of his actions give us the vibes of an anti-hero. This superhero is emotionally detached and possesses godlike powers, making him one of the most dangerous beings in the fictional Watchmen universe.

After Doctor Jon Osterman lost his life in the Manhattan Project, the US Government declared him dead. However, Doctor Osterman’s consciousness began to retake material form after a few months, and he could revive his whole hairless, blue-skinned body.

At the end of the story, he decides to abandon the human race and starts living on Mars after his breakup with his girlfriend, Laurie Jupiter.

14. Nekron:


As the embodiment of death and darkness in the DC Universe, Nekron can take and restore life according to his wishes. Nekron is the leader and creator of the Black Lantern Corps, and one of the strongest foes of the Green Lantern Corps.

This supervillain gets his powers by feeding on negative emotions like death. During the comic book events of Blackest Night, Nekron manifested an entire army of Zombies with Power Rings.

Even the White Lanterns struggled to defeat this evil army, as nobody can kill death. Nekron’s limitless powers have no bound, and even the Guardians fear him.


DC Comics is growing each year, and they are introducing more and more characters each year. It is highly possible that this list may not stand after a few years. Some DC characters have surprisingly made it into this list, and some have sadly missed out. DC has reintroduced many old superheroes and supervillains, sometimes with more superpowers given and sometimes with lesser powers.

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