Where is the Power Button on Samsung TV?

You might look for the Power button on Samsung TV if you cannot find a remote when you want the TV turned On. Many Samsung TVs come without a power button on the remote, which can be mistaken for clients familiar with conventional remotes. This is why you might want to find out where the power button is on the TV.

At the point when you don’t get the remote at the spot, or the power button isn’t working in the remote, you need to turn on the Samsung TV with its power button. If this is the case, you may have trouble precisely locating the TV’s power button.

The area of the power button will differ on the model of the Samsung TV you own. Some have power buttons on the television’s rear, while others have them on the side or top corner of the gadget. This article is for you if you are also searching for the Power button on Samsung TV. Here we will mention the area where the Power button is located on different TV models.

Where Is The Power Button On Samsung TV?

If you are looking for the Power button on Samsung TV, we have mentioned the location of the same on various models of Samsung TV. If you cannot find the button on any one location, go for the next one mentioned in the section.

Note that if none of these locations leads to the power button, you can search for the same by noting down your TV’s model number.

1. On the Middle Underside of the TV

This is the most common location of the Power button on Samsung TV, especially the Smart TVs. If you stand a foot or two apart facing your TV, you can find a tiny button below the Samsung brand name underneath the TV frame.

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You need to reach around and feel the frame to locate the button. To confirm, you can try pressing the button to turn your TV On and Off.

Middle Underside Of TV

2. On The Front Right Underside Of The TV:

In some models, the Power button can be on the underside of the TV, almost near the front right corner. To check if the button is present there, try touching on the same position, and you will most likely be able to feel the TV receiver first. Behind the receiver, there will be a small button which is the Power button of your TV.

Most of you might not notice it because it is too tiny and located below the TV. Also, because it is on the front side, it can sometimes cause you to press the button accidentally.

Front Right Underside Of TV

3. On The TV’s Receiver:

The TV receiver is the next common place to look for the Power button on your Samsung TV. Because the receiver gets the signals from the remote you use and lets the TV carry out various functions, manufacturers normally place the power button on the same space.

You can locate the receiver by noting the place from where the colored light blinks while you turn On and Off your TV. Once you find the receiver, if you feel around, you might find a small button, which will be the power button of the TV. Some models will have Volume and channel keys along with the Power button.

On TV Reciever

4. Back Side Of The TV:

Another likely location of the Power button on Samsung TV can be at the back side of your TV, along the bottom right or bottom left corner. if you cannot see it easily, you can try using a flashlight for the purpose because, generally, a button in that location can go unnoticed most of the time.

Back Side Of TV

5. Along The TV’s Bezel:

Some Samsung TV power, volume, and channel buttons are touch-sensitive. The easiest to overlook are these. Contact control buttons are some of the time little and flat. Their marking is generally grayish or dark, making them significantly harder to notice.

You can check the TV’s Bezel to see if the Power button is visible. Since these are touch buttons, they will have a silk covering that will appear white for you to identify them.

Along TVs Bezel

How To Use Your TV’s Manual Controls Using The Power Button?

You might have misplaced your remote, so you needed to find the power button on your Samsung TV. Now that you have found the same, it might be better to know that some of the functions on the TV can be controlled by using this power button. We have mentioned those in this section.

1. Turning The TV On And Off:

This is the most common use of the Power button. Without the remote, this tiny button is the only way to turn Off or On your TV. To turn your TV Off, long-press the power button until the screen goes blank.

You can also press the same button for around 15 seconds to Cold Boot and reset your Samsung TV without a remote.

2. Volume And Channel Controls:

You can use your TV to control the TV volume if your TV has other power buttons. You can control the volume using the power button if no other buttons are available.

Single Press the button once to reveal a menu. Use the same button to navigate through the menu and choose. Long press on the channel that you want to select. In the case of Volume, the +/- signs will help you control the levels.

Volume And Channel Controls

Frequently Asked Questions:

How to Turn On the Samsung TV without a remote or button?

If you cannot find the power button on the TV and do not have a remote, you can use Google Assistant or Alexa to Turn On the TV. If not, you can also use the SmartThings App to Turn On the TV.

Where is the Power button on Samsung’s Curved TV?

Commonly, on the curved TVs of Samsung, the power button can be found underneath the Samsung logo, in the middle of the TV.


Samsung does not reveal the power button that they keep on their TVs. This is why the location keeps changing depending on the different models. In such cases, if you do not know where the power button on Samsung TV is, you will probably have difficulty using the TV without the remote in hand.

We have got this blog to make finding the power button easier for you. Here, we have mentioned all the possible locations where this tiny button could be and you can use our guide to locate the time within a matter of a few minutes.

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