How to Get a Soundboard on Discord

Discord has finally introduced its built-in Soundboard, feature users have anticipated for years. This new feature will allow users to play all types of sounds in voice channels for any purpose. Here’s how to get the Discord Soundboard and set it up without any third-party app or external client.

For years, users have been looking for ways to get a Soundboard on Discord with apps like Voicemod, Resonance, etc. However, users won’t need them now as Discord has rolled out an in-app feature to play sounds in voice channels. There’s a catch, though. Only the desktop users are getting access for now.

Get A Sound board On Discord

What Is The Discord Soundboard?

Soundboard is a voice channel feature on Discord that lets users play short audio clips. The participants of the same voice channel can hear those clips and use them only when allowed. The audio clips are similar to Reactions and Super Reactions, so Soundboard allows you to express yourself better.

By default, servers get 8 preloaded sound slots for members to begin using the Soundboard. Additional slots can also be unlocked based on tier levels via boosting. Mods and members can also upload and replace the preloaded sounds with their own in the Soundboard.

Discord Soundboard

For a long time, Discord users have been looking for ways to use sounds in servers. There have been plenty of apps, browser extensions, and external clients to work as Soundboard on the platform. However, Discord has finally rolled out a built-in feature for that.

How To Get The Soundboard On Discord?

Discord Soundboard is available only for a limited group of users for now, that too on desktop. Mobile users are not getting the functionality yet, but they can still hear any sounds that the desktop users play on the server. More users will start getting access to Soundboard on Discord in the coming weeks.

If you are using Discord on a desktop and can access the newly introduced feature, you can find the Soundboard live on servers. Just get into any Voice channel in your server, and you will see a new button next to “Activities” that appears like a music album. Tap on it, and you’ll find the Soundboard panel.

Soundboard Discord

We have explained using the Soundboard feature on Discord in-depth below. Just look at it once, and you’ll figure out the rest.

How To Use The Discord Soundboard?

If you haven’t gotten hold of Discord’s own Soundboard yet and need some help figuring it out, have a look at it below:

  • Launch the Discord app on your desktop and go to a server.
  • Now join the voice channel that you’d like to.
  • Fully pull up the channel so you can see everyone’s Avatars.
  • You will see a music icon on the bottom left if Soundboard is enabled.
Soundboard Voice Connect
  • Click on it to launch the Soundboard.
  • Next, hover over any currently available sound and hit “Play.”
Discord Soundboard Beta
  • The sound will start playing, and everyone in the voice channel can hear it.
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That’s it. You can also add the sounds to your favorite by clicking on the “Star” icon present next to them. This way, you can access them more conveniently.

How To Get The Discord Soundboard On Mobile?

For now, the built-in Discord Soundboard is not available on mobile devices. This means Discord app users on Android and iOS devices can’t play sounds in the Voice Channels. However, they can still listen to the sounds played by other community members.

Likely, Discord will soon introduce this exciting feature to mobile apps. However, there is no given timeline for that. It could take only a couple of weeks but can also take months. The expansion is taking place for desktop users as not everyone has access to the new feature yet.

Soundboard On Mobile

To get the Discord Soundboard on mobile, you have to wait for the update adding the feature for smartphone users. Make sure you are always using the latest version of the Discord app. We will keep you posted when the feature is finally available to mobile users.

How To Upload More Sounds To Discord Soundboard?

Discord provides several preloaded sounds in the default Soundboard. For instance, you can find the polite golf clap, a cricket, and a “wah waah” already waiting for you to use in the voice channel. However, you can also upload and add more sounds to the Soundboard.

Here are the requirements needed to add sounds to Soundboard:

  • File type: MP3
  • File size: 512kb
  • File length: Up to 5 seconds

Follow these steps to add and upload more sounds to Discord Soundboard:

  • Open the Soundboard panel on Discord and click on the “Add Sound” button.
  • Now choose the sound you want to upload from your device.
Upload Sounds
  • Once the file is uploaded, you can set a name and its default volume for everyone.
  • Optionally, you can also assign an emoji to it. The emoji will pop up every time the Voice is used.
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That’s it. Ensure you comply with the Terms of Service and Community Guidelines while uploading voices to Discord Soundboard. You are also advised not to upload any intellectual property of others.

How To Disable The Soundboard On Discord?

If you don’t want to use the Soundboard in your server and don’t want others to play sound on Discord, you can disable the feature from the server settings menu. Follow these steps to do so:

  • Go to the Server Settings on the Discord app.
  • You can turn off the toggle next to “Use Soundboard” for specific roles or server members.
Use Soundboard Discord

You can also manage this server-wide by switching to the Roles tab, choosing the roles you want to customize, and then adjusting the “Use Soundboard” permission.

You can also moderate the Soundboard for individual voice by channels by clicking “Edit Channel” and then going to the Permissions tab. Afterward, you can select the desired role or server members and adjust the Soundboard permission.

How To Manage Soundboard Sounds In A Server?

You can also manage the available sounds on the Soundboard on your server. However, you must own the server or have moderating permissions. When eligible, go to Server Settings and click “Soundboard” from the left panel.

Soundboard in discord server

You can edit or remove any current sounds in the panel from here. Click the “x” button next to a sound to remove any uploaded sound.

Remove sound discord

You can also limit users from uploading custom sounds on the server. Click Roles in the Server Settings and disable the “Manage Expressions” option in the “Permissions” tab.

Manage expression discord

You can enable the feature if you’d like to allow a given role or member to be able to upload custom sounds.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How to get a Soundboard on Discord?

A: Discord has finally launched the built-in Soundboard for users that allow them to play sounds in Voice Channels. The newly launched feature is only available on the desktop app. Mobile users don’t have access to it yet but can still listen to the sounds played on the servers.

Q: How to change the volume of sounds of the Discord Soundboard?

A: You can adjust the volume of hearing Soundboard sounds by going to User Settings > Voice & Video > Soundboard > Soundboard Volume and then adjusting the slider to your preferred levels. By moving the slider to 0%, you can silence the sounds.

Q: What is the keyboard shortcut to use Discord Soundboard while playing games?

A: Windows users can press the CTRL + ` key combination to access the Discord Soundboard panel while playing games.

Q: How to use one server’s Soundboard sounds in other servers?

A: You need a Discord Nitro subscription to use Soundboard sounds across servers. Non-subscribers can only use the Soundboard sounds within the server itself. They can’t use sound from one server on the other servers.

Final Words:

Discord Soundboard was a much-awaited feature on the social platform. It adds a new layer to expressing yourself in voice channels and servers. Users are glad that Discord has finally added the functionality and several defaults sounds to use for conversations.

There can be varying uses of the Soundboard, like trolling a friend, playing pranks, or just breaking the silence of a voice channel. If the experience gets too boring, you don’t have to think twice before playing duck quacks, trumpets, or rocking drums.

That’s all for this post. What do you think about Discord’s newly introduced feature? Feel free to express your thoughts in the comments.

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