How To Deactivate Messenger in 2024?

You’ve landed on the correct page if you want to learn to deactivate Messenger. Deactivating your Messenger account is a simple process allowing you to pause or terminate access to the messaging platform. Millions of users worldwide rely on Messenger for communication.

However, there may be times when privacy concerns or a desire to limit social media use lead to deactivation needs. Whether deactivating temporarily or permanently deleting your account, following the necessary steps ensures smooth removal from the Messenger service.

You can read this guide until the end to learn everything about deactivating Messenger on computers and mobile devices without assistance. If deactivating temporarily, you can always reactivate your account in the future by going to and signing in with your Facebook login details.

How To Deactivate Messenger?

You can’t deactivate only Facebook Messenger because it is associated with your account. To deactivate Messenger, you will have to deactivate your Facebook account first. You can read the guide posted below to deactivate your main Facebook profile.

Then you can begin the Messenger deactivation process, and if you don’t know how to deactivate Messenger after deactivating Facebook, you can read the steps below.

  • Open the Facebook Messenger app.
  • Click on the Profile or Menu icon from the top left corner.
Facebook Account Settings Privacy
  • Now, click on the Gear Icon on the right side of the menu.
  • Your Messenger’s settings panel will appear.
  • Scroll down to the Safety section and click on the Legal & Policies option.
Messenger Legal Policies
  • A list of all options that fall under this option will appear.
  • Click on Deactivate Messenger option and follow the instructions provided.
  • In just a few more steps, your Messenger account will be deactivated.
Deactivate Messenger

Pros And Cons Of Deactivating Messenger Account:

Deactivating your Messenger account means that your profile will no longer be visible to other users, and you will not receive any messages or notifications from the platform.

While deactivation offers some benefits for productivity, privacy, and reducing distractions, it also presents important drawbacks to consider before proceeding. Here are some of the pros and cons of deactivating Facebook and Messenger accounts:


  • Reduce distractions and increase productivity.
  • Provide a break from social media platforms and online interactions.
  • No irrelevant or spammy communications.
  • It can protect your privacy and personal information.
  • Full control over your communication preferences.


  • Cut you off from messaging friends, family, and colleagues.
  • You will lose access to your message history.
  • No Messenger notifications or updates related to new features.
  • You will have to rely on other communication channels.
  • Your previous messages and conversations may not be restored.
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How To Deactivate Or Delete Facebook Account 2024?

Deactivating Messenger can be done on Android, iPhone, and PC; however, the steps may vary depending on the device and platform. One thing to remember is that you must be sure to deactivate your profile and not delete it.

Figure out the difference between the two, as deactivated profiles can be used again while deletion is permanent, and you will lose access to every service connected to your account. You can follow the steps below to deactivate your Messenger account when ready.

  • First of all, click on the Profile Icon from the top-right corner.
  • Then, click on Settings & Privacy and then on Settings.
Facebook Account Settings Privacy
  • On the left pane, click on the Accounts Center box.
  • Wait for a few seconds until you are being redirected.
  • A new account management page will open.
  • Under Account Settings, click on the Personal Details option.
  • Now, on the right side, click on Account Ownership and Control option.
Account Ownership And Control
  • A new pop-up box will appear on your screen; click on the Deactivation and Deletion option.
Facebook Deactivation Or Deletion
  • A list of all connected profiles will appear on your screen.
  • Click on the Facebook account that you want to deactivate.
  • Again, two options will appear; Deactivate Account or Delete Account.
Confirm Account Deactivation
  • You can also read about what certain options will do with your profile and services so you can select accordingly.
  • Select one from the list and click on the Continue button.

If you own any pages, then Facebook might give you the option to make someone else an admin of those pages else. They will also deactivate your other additional Facebook profiles as well as Pages. This step is optional; when you are ready, click the Continue button. Finally, enter your Facebook account’s password and click on the Continue button to submit your request.

  • You will be asked to provide a reason for doing this. Select an appropriate option from the list and click on Continue.
Deactivating Your Facebook Account
  • Next, you can select a period after which your account will be reactivated again.
  • Select one option from the list and click on the Continue button to submit your deactivation request.
Reactivate Facebook Account Automatically
  • A confirmation pop-up will appear on your screen.
  • Read all the information said in that and select the options you want to configure.
  • Finally, click on Deactivate My Account button, and your profile will be deactivated successfully.
Delete Facebook Account
  • If you wish to delete your Facebook account, then you can select the Delete Account option in this step.
Delete Account
  • Move forward as we’ve shown above and keep submitting the required information.
  • Finally, you will be taken to the Account Deletion page.
Reactivate Facebook Account Automatically

If you want, you can also download your information, manage connected services, transfer your data to someone else, and change the admin of your pages. Facebook lets you configure different options to take out your data before losing permanent access to them.

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You can reverse this decision in 30 days; after that, your account and every piece of information related to it will be deleted forever.

How To Deactivate Messenger Without Deactivating Facebook?

Unfortunately, Messenger does not offer the option to deactivate the service like Facebook temporarily does because they are connected. You cannot turn Messenger off or disable it while keeping Facebook active. The only way to stop using Messenger completely is to deactivate your Facebook account.

If you want to continue using Facebook but limit Messenger interactions, your only option is to adjust your profile visibility within Messenger itself. The Messenger app has a setting that controls whether or not your online status appears for the contacts who see you actively using Messenger. You can disable the Active Status by following the steps mentioned below.

  • First, click on the 3 Lines (menu button) in the top left corner.
  • Now, click on the Settings (gear) icon.
Messenger App Settings
  • Wait a few seconds, and you will be taken to the settings page.
  • Scroll down to the Profile section and click on the Active Status option.
Messenger Active Status
  • A new page with two different options will appear on your screen.
  • You can use the Toggle Button to disable these options accordingly.
  • When you disable the Active Status, it will ask you for the time you want to disable your active status.
  • Select a time duration from the list or enter your own custom time.
  • Click on the PAUSE button to disable your active status.
  • Doing this will let you use Messenger without showing you online.
Disable Active Status

NOTE: When you disable your Active Status on Messenger, you will also not be able to see the active status of everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why Can’t I Deactivate My Messenger?

You may be unable to deactivate your Messenger account for several reasons. To disable an account, you must have an active session and be signed in. Another possibility is that your Facebook account, which Messenger relies upon for login, has been deactivated or deleted.
If you own a Facebook Business Page, you can’t deactivate its messenger account. Personal accounts can be deactivated, but profiles for companies, groups, events, and organizations must remain active. If there’s any balance due, even then, you can’t deactivate that profile.

Can You Have Facebook Without Messenger?

Many individuals believe their Facebook and Messenger accounts are the same, but that is incorrect. The two platforms function independently, even though Facebook launched Messenger years ago. As long as you log into Facebook at least once every few months, your account will remain active regardless of whether or not you use Messenger.

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Is Deactivating Messenger Permanent?

No, but every service or account connected with that profile will stop working too. If, in the future, you change your mind and want access to Messenger again, you can easily reactivate the service by signing in with your Facebook login information. If your Facebook account remains intact, you can reconnect with Messenger whenever you choose.

How Do You Know If Someone Deactivated Messenger?

If someone removes their Messenger profile, their photo and profile details will vanish from your contact list. Any messages you have sent them previously will remain visible in your conversation history, but you will no longer be capable of sending them new messages or starting fresh conversations. Also, their profile picture will be removed, and you won’t be able to see their name.

Can Others See May Deactivated Facebook Account?

When you deactivate a Facebook account, your profile becomes invisible to other users, including your friends. Your profile information, such as your name, photos, and previous activity, may still be visible in some places, such as in your friends’ inboxes or on the posts you have shared with others. However, you can no longer access Facebook or see your profile.

Final Words:

Deactivating your Messenger account is personal, and you must know the consequences before doing it. Deactivation can provide benefits such as reduced distractions, privacy protection, and breaks from online interaction; however, it also means losing access to chats, messages, and contacts.

Permanent deletion will require downloading information and content before proceeding to avoid losing access permanently. You can keep visiting the New Vision Theatres website, as we will keep this post updated with more information on how to deactivate Messenger but not Facebook. You can share your views on it if you know other ways to do that.

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