Twilight Movies In Order – Watch In Chronological Order

Twilight movies were smashing hits of their time. Based on Stephanie Meyer’s Books of the same name have captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. The films starred handsome Robert Pattison as our sparkling hero, Edward Cullen, and Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan.

The enticing romance story between the two is shown over the five movies. However, there is a little problem: there are five movies but only four books, so how will you know the right order? To help newcomers to the franchise, we have made a guide about the Twilight movie.

So, if you are new and want to watch Twilight movies in order, we can help you enter the film universe of human and glittering vampire love stories. But note these movies are only based on four main books. Does not cover the book Midnight Sun written from Edward’s point of view, and The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

Moreover, it is highly unlikely that we will get the movies about these two books unless the series is rebooted. Nevertheless, the plenty of material to explore as many vampires has a mysterious past story, and the dark series about Volturi will be epic if ever made. Best if we get a sequel with favorite werewolves, Jacob and Renesmee.

Twilight Movies In Order

Twilight Movies To Watch In Order Till 2023

In a hurry, every one of you must have limited time. To those in an extra rush, we have provided the short list of Twilight movies in order. Here is the order in which you should  watch the series:

  • Twilight was Released on November 21, 2008
  • Twilight: New Moon Released on November 20, 2009
  • Twilight: Eclipse was Released on June 30, 2010
  • Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1 Released on November 18, 2011
  • Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2 was Released on November 16, 2012 

How To Watch Twilight Movies In Chronological Order?

Twilight movies order is easy to understand as each movie is based on the book’s name. So if you are a follower of Stephanie Meyer’s book, you will have no problem determining the order except for the last book, which was divided into two movies to bring justice to the original work. The same things were later followed by many hit series like Harry Potter and Hunger Games movies.

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Therefore a chronicle order to watch the movie will be the order in which the book was released. But if you have not read the book, don’t worry. We have done all the legwork for you and set up a guide through which you can understand the Twilight movies sequence. So let’s plunge into these movies.

1. Twilight (2008):

  • Critics’ Consensus: Strongly oriented toward teens, filmmakers have done a good job showcasing coming-of-age stories with a vampire twist. But the story will only be clear if you are a devoted fan of the book that has filled the character connection with nuance.
  • Summary: The movies start with teenager Bella Swan, who is moving with her dad, police chief Charlie who lives in Fork, Washington. Here she meets a mysterious but handsome student Edward Cullen. He is a vampire who does not drink human blood. The fateful meeting starts a dangerous romance that can threaten Bella’s life.
  • The cast of the Movie: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Anna Kendrick, Peter Facinelli, Ashley Green, Billy Burke, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz, and Cam Gigandet.
  • Director of the movie: Catherine Hardwicke
  • Where to Watch: Netflix
  • Rating: 49%

2. Twilight: New Moon Release (2009):

Twilight: New Moon Release
  • Critics Consensus: New Moon is Melodrama that brings us a love triangle in swoon-worthy romance. Chris Weitz has done an amazing job from his predecessor in bringing more vitality to the series. 
  • Summary: After Separating from her lover Edward, Bella goes into depression, and the only ray of sunshine in her life at this moment is her friend Jacob who belongs to the local werewolf pack that has been Cullen’s enemy for generations. Now Bella must choose between her deepening friendship and love.
  • The cast of the Movie: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Anna Kendrick, Ashley Green, Jackson Rathbone, Billy Burke, Kellan Lutz, Michael Sheen, Dakota Fanning, and Jamie Campbell Bower.
  • Director of the movie: Chris Weitz
  • Where to Watch: Amazon or Netflix
  • Rating: 29%
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3. Twilight: Eclipse Released (2010):

Twilight: Eclipse Released
  • Critics Consensus: The movie is filled with characters and heavily reliant on unamusing dialogue. Eclipse does not impress. It brings nothing except romance and a mixture of action and fantasy.
  • Summary: The enemy of the past is back for revenge, and to overcome this dangerous situation, Bella will need to choose a side between her friendship and love which can worsen the enmity between the two supernatural clans.
  • The cast of the Movie: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Bryce Dallas Howard, Camron Bright, Ashley Green, Billy Burke, Kellan Lutz, Michael Sheen, Jackson Rathbone, and Peter Facinelli
  • Director of the movie: David Slade
  • Where to Watch: Netflix
  • Rating: 47%

4. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011):

Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1
  • Critics Consensus: Breaking Dawn Serves only the franchise lover. It’s slow pace and unamusing. You get several unintentional humorous moments.
  • Summary: After all the tumult, Edward and Bella finally married. Bella decides to remain human for her honeymoon, which worries Joab. But soon, things turn risky for Bella as she gets pregnant, and her child grows at an alarming rate. This pregnancy set Bella on the target of werewolves. Will Jacob and Edward can protect Bella, or will it be a pregnancy that will kill her?
  • The cast of the Movie: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Julia Jones, Ashley Green, Jackson Rathbone, Billy Burke, Kellan Lutz, Michael Sheen, Christian Camargo, and Booboo Stewart
  • Director of the movie: Bill Condon
  • Where to Watch: Netflix
  • Rating: 25%

5. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012):

Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2
  • Critics Consensus: Undoubtedly, the best part of the Twilight movie but still not enough to make it worth the time of normal movie lovers who are not fond of the book converts.
  • Summary: Bella is now a vampire, and her newborn daughter is adjusting to the new role. But when Renesmee’s growth is not slowing down, worrying her parents. On the other hand, Volturi learns of Renesmee’s existence and sentences Cullen to death. But Bella and her family will not take it lying down. They gather their friends and are ready to fight the inevitable battle.
  • The cast of the Movie: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Lee Pace, Nikki Reed, Ashley Green, Jackson Rathbone, Billy Burke, Kellan Lutz, Michael Sheen, Dakota Fanning, Jamie Campbell Bower, and Mackenzie Foy.
  • Director of the movie: Bill Condon
  • Where to Watch: Netflix
  • Rating: 49%
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Now you have learned the right twilight movie in order: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn part 1, and Breaking dawn part 2. The last film ends on a happy note. Bella, Edward, and their daughter are now safe, but fans are looking forward to the sequel of the Twilight series. However, Stephanie Meyer has not shared any recent news but has given enough hope to keep fan excitement going.

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