The dark-comedy and intense show Succession revolves around the dysfunctional Roy family. This show is so engaging that it makes us wonder if there will be Succession season 5. In that case, we have new updates for you. The show revolves around the Roy family, the owners of the biggest media and entertainment in the world.
But things take a turn in their life when their father steps down from the company. Now with a big role comes bigger responsibilities. The siblings are fighting for control and ownership of the company while, on the other hand, their father, Logan Roy, is in a health crisis. Succession has received great feedback from the spectators on the narrative, performance of the characters, and more.
Many spectators believe that Succession is one of the best series ever. The series has been nominated and won multiple accolades along with amazing feedback. This much praise makes us curious about another season. Let’s take a look at the possibility of succession in season 5.
Is Succession Season 5 Happening?
After the finale of season 4, the biggest concern is if we will get more seasons. We want to see what will happen in the Roy family and how things will turn out for them. We need more chapters. But unfortunately, the team of Succession made some doubtful statements about the show’s ending.
The showrunner Jesse Armstrong confirmed in February 2023 regarding the show’s conclusion. But there were doubts about the statement. Armstrong said he isn’t completely sure, but season 4 is likely the end.
He confirmed, “The decision to end solidified through the writing and even when we started filming: I said to the cast, ‘I’m not a hundred per cent sure, but I think this is it.’”
The showrunner also mentioned in an interview regarding the ending of the show. They always thought about the ending of the series since the second season.
He explained, “You know, there’s a promise in the title of ‘Succession.’ I’ve never thought this could go on forever. The end has always been present in my mind. From Season 2, I’ve been trying to think: Is it the next one, or the one after that, or is it the one after that?”
The succession team came together and discussed different scenarios regarding the show’s continuation. “I got together with a few of my fellow writers before we started the writing of Season 4, in about November, December 2021, and I said, ‘Look, I think this maybe should be it.
But what do you think?’ And we played out various scenarios: We could do a couple of short or two more seasons.”
And then, Armstrong came and decided what would be the final decision. He said, “I went into the writing room for Season 4, saying, “I think this is what we’re doing, but let’s also keep it open.”
Probably we won’t get to see another season of succession. The team planned this to be the ending, but according to the conclusion of season 4, there’s still hope. Spectators believe we might get one more season because the way succession ended is not what they wanted.
What Would Have Happened In Succession Season 5?
Though we still need a legitimate official confirmation on the happening of season 5 there are a few speculations. Even if we don’t get another season, we would love to know what would have happened in season 5. The succession team did give us a hint here and there regarding the ideas for another season.
Kieran Culkin teased that Armstrong plans the fifth season to be unique. Culkin said that when the showrunner described the fourth season, he sounded like its the finale. But when asked, Armstrong dropped three different ideas for a fifth season.
Kieran Culkin said, “Jesse told me the whole season before we shot. I asked him one question, and when he answered it, I said, ‘Well, that sounds like the end of the show.’ He goes, ‘Yeah, it does.’
But then he just threw up three ideas for season 5 that he claimed were off the top of his head. I was like, ‘I’m just speaking my mind here, but those all sound really awesome.”
We would have probably seen more drama in a potential season 5. Jesse Armstrong also teased an outlet regarding his preference for the future of succession.
He said, “We could go on for ages and turn the show into something rather different and be a more rangy, freewheeling kind of fun show, where there would be good and bad weeks. Or we could do something more muscular and complete and go out strong. And that was always my preference.”
Is There Succession Spin-Offs On The Way?
It’s saddening to know that this series has finally met its conclusion. But after famous shows like Succession, we get spin-off shows. For example, we also have a spin-off of ‘The Walking Dead’. Unfortunately, we won’t get a spin-off of succession anytime soon.
HBO CEO Casey Bloys shed light on the potential spin-offs possibility. He believes that Succession isn’t the kind of show that could have spin-offs. Casey Bloys said, “It doesn’t seem to me that there’s something in Succession where you would go; let’s follow just this kid or whatever.”
The Team Of ‘Succession’ Always Had 5 Seasons In Their Mind:
When asked about the ending of the show to Kieran Culkin, he said they always had 5 seasons of succession in their head. The team still hasn’t processed the ending of the series.
He said, “I don’t know yet. I still haven’t processed it. We finished filming about a month ago. I came home for a few days, got sick, did two weeks of press, and then my whole family got sick again. Now the press is over, the show is airing, and it’s done. So what do I do now? I knew this wasn’t the kind of show that could keep going and going. I always thought of five seasons. It was just a number I had in my head.”
We hoped to see more of the Roy family. But sadly, the team had already planned the ending. We might get more updates; you’re welcome to stay tuned with us. What do you think about the conclusion of succession? Feel free to drop your opinions in the comment section below.
While sipping coffee, you can find Ayman writing about various topics like movie recommendations, gaming, and tech. She has always loved writing and is now following her passion. Ayman is constantly pushing herself to achieve new heights of success and is always ready to take on new challenges and explore new opportunities.